Akemi cocked her head slightly, regarding the man with what resembled faint curiosity. She took a bite of her food without looking, instead briefly swapping the focus of her gaze for her brother as if to determine whether or not he had picked up on the same points of interest she had. If Akimi gave any indication of his opinion, it wasn't one anyone else picked up on. His twin nevertheless looked back to the guard and permitted her head to return to its usual orientation while she took a bite of food. "I did not say we were new." The female Schida said simply, taking a bite of her food before continuing to elaborate. "We have not previously been enlisted in a recognized Earth Federation Forces unit. We have seen combat in the First Neo Zeon War. By the standard of old Earth branches of aerial services, we would be considered aces by virtue of having a kill count in excess of five enemy units each. These actions were not sanctioned by the Augusta Newtype Lab, however." "We were not permitted to take part in the Second Neo Zeon War. I was quite disappointed."