well here's my char if anything needs to be changed please tell me. [hider=Sora Takamachi] [Center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/IZIHLvv.jpg[/img] [h3][i][color=ed1c24]"The fire burns away all even my sins."[/color][/i][/h3] [/center] [h2]Basic Info[/h2] [b]Name:Sora Takamachi:[/b] [b]Nickname/Alias::[/b] “Efreet” [b]Gender::[/b] Female [b]Age and date of birth::[/b] 21; April 18th [b]Guild::[/b] Harpy's Wing; Mark is burnt orange and is located on her left collarbone [b]Rank::[/b] A-Rank [h2]Personal Information[/h2] [b]Personality::[/b] Sora looks quite young but is in fact older than what she appears despite her child like appearance she holds a wisdom and skill that is often not seen. In terms of personality she is kind and warm willing to do what she can for her friends and loved ones. Despite this she is hot headed and is quick to anger at times this often leads to her scaring away some potential friends and comrades. She holds a strong sense of pride and follows her own morals and refuses to break it no matter what the cost. In battle Sora is the opposite of being calm and collected most of the time often rushing into battle and figuring out the rest when the time comes. She is quick on her feet being able to dodge at the last minute often using acrobatics to doge attacks. Her main skill in battle is her skill with her ax being her main focus for both attacking and defending. This makes her somewhat lacking in unarmed combat as it is a subject she isn't skilled in. She often gives enemies a chance to turn away from battle when it is needed. If they refuse she is often the first to burn them. [b]History::[/b] Sora from a young age lost her parents to a fire. From her understanding she was the only survivor of the fire and it was that fire that left a impression on her and shaped her in some degree. Due to the traumatic incident it left her little memory of her parents and herself to a certain degree. She grew up for the most part adopted by a family from a neighboring village. It was a new start for her despite losing her family she gained a new one and despite not being related they did all they could for her and encouraged her with her pursuits. It was due to this family that she was introduced to magic her adopted father decided to take it upon himself to teach her how to defend herself from fighting with a weapon to learning fire magic. In a sense she was born from fire from her old family to her new adopted one she was "born anew". This lead to her fascination with fire as a whole. Though with that said she learned all she could and when she learned all she could she decided to head out on her own to learn more on her chosen style of magic and possibly find out the truth on what happened to her birth family. [h2]Magic[/h2] [b]Magic Name::[/b] Fire Magic + Requip [b]Description::[/b] A Combination of using fire magic and a special set of equipment to her advantage of mixing both to create a unique style that can attack from close range and a distance allowing her to weave around her enemies and attack them when it best suits her. [b]Known Spells::[/b] [hider=Magic] [b]Requip: Camael[/b] A large red ax that can act as a medium for her fire magic. The ax itself is powerful and simple in design and its main strength lies in its immense weight. This makes it somewhat slow in comparison to faster weapons but its speed is nothing to scoff at. It's blades can ignite itself on fire as well should the need arise. [hider= Camael] [img]http://i.imgur.com/jLme7rK.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Fujiyama Eruption:[/b] Using the great ax as a leverage she launches herself at the enemy making her body like a fiery rocket. [b]Tower Inferno:[/b] Releases a giant tower of condensed fire from the impact point of where her ax hit. [b]Grand Conflagration:[/b] Creates a fiery cross that ignites under peoples feet once ignited it burns as long as she allows it. She often uses a finger snap to stop the fire. [b]Fire Ribbon Dance:[/b] One of her stronger moves Fire Ribbon Dance is actually a series of attacks using pillars of fire as she spins around in a dance like fashion using the fire to burn the enemy. [b]Hourai "Immortal Phoenix":[/b] Spinning her ax above her head to create a momentum she builds up fire with each spin before releasing it as a fiery shock wave that takes the shape of a phoenix. Each spin increases the heat of the flame making it a move that can be charged up. [b]Forbidden Art - Twin Grand Inferno:[/b] Her strongest spell in her arsenal it releases two giant fire pillars that circle around and burn all in its path due to the sheer heat and fire it creates it she often uses it as a last resort. The power it has also tends to drain her leaving her tired. Due to the power she often is forced to do a chant to help her focus. Despite the name it is forbidden in name only. [hider=chant] Lord Yatagarasu, The grand sun. Thank you for lending me your power. The sunlight that shines down on the Earth Is the fire that will create forth new light May your fire burn ever brightly and illuminate the very land we Walk! Forbidden Art : Twin Grand Inferno [/hider] [/hider] [b][u]Theme Songs::[/u][/b] [b]Main Theme:[/b] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S15QYBEeFc4[/youtube] [/hider]