"That's an old one," Maedoc said. It was a sonic grenade. Something fancy like that wasn't made anymore. Too delicate and costly. The military had a stash of them, of course, so it wasn't like they were missing out anyway. Every time one burned out, though, they got a little rarer. "Pretty nasty little things. Prolonged exposure can make you go deaf. Permanently. They're reusable, but they burn out after a while. Or just put it to full power and it'll basically explode and knock out anyone in the room, ear protection or not. Only seen them a few times, and only got to use them once." They'd basically just emit a loud noise for as long as you set it for, unless set to detonate, and they were quite capable of shattering glass and eardrums alike. "Let's hope we don't have to use this one any time soon. It's not exactly fun for anyone involved and draws too much attention," he told her. The last thing they needed while thieving were incredibly loud noises. "Anyway, pack up whatever gear you want to bring. Once we rob the salvagers, we shouldn't stick around. I want to be on the move immediately. We can risk showing our faces around here again after we pull this off..." If everything went well, no one would care [i]what[/i] he stole. Or at least they wouldn't dare do anything about it. But that would only be [i]after[/i] they succeeded. If her stealth skills didn't pan out... they'd care plenty.