[@Holy Soldier] Hey, so I was looking at the thread, and I noticed a small "mistake" that just really decided to pain my eyes, and otherwise nervous systems. "manipulate time, space, matter, and organic molecules are not allowed." I get the gist of it, but without manipulating space and time, you literally can't do shit. Becasue the world we live in is amde of space and time. So I don't get how you want to recreate it. Time I get, but anything more than creating a spark of flme at teh tip of your hand will count to manipulating space. That said, even your character can manipulate Earth, breaking the basic rules. Controlling it is literally going to break 3 rules out of the 4, as earth is made of organic materials (most of the time), this power controls molecules, and it really fucking bends the space. So I want to join, but I am clueless what are the limitations.