For review Teacher CS [center] [b][h2] [Color=Goldenrod]A[/color]varius [Color=Goldenrod]E[/color]lthandeir [/h2][/b] [i] Avey storm chaser, [/i][/center] [hider=image][img] [/img][/hider] [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Element:[/b] Wind [b]Personality:[/b] [indent]An eccentric free thinker with a gentle heart. To say Averius was an odd child would be an understatement, to assume he had out grown it would be gravely inaccurate. Just as genius can be found in the misfortunate and mad, the inner workings of Avey's mind was both a mysterious blessing and a curse. At certain times he can seem to lack empathy, but those worrying occasions are rare. His humour is often abstract and his thoughts commonly unfiltered and unrestrained. Most the time he appears light hearted and aloof. Despite his oddities he is quite shy and quiet. Avarius has taken a Vow of Non-violence wich he follows very seriously, often relying on Vallen when situations become rough.[/indent] [b]History:[/b] Little is known of the young prodigies past. Questions are often quickly deflect but if one can bring him to ponder on his past for even a moment, his eyes fill with a mix of emotions, crippling him socially. [b]Equipment:[/b] Having adopted a minimalist lifestyle Avarius holds few possessions dear to him. He has the clothes on his back, a few spare rags, a bed roll he calls home and thats it. [b]Class Taught:[/b] Wind~elemental/mental flow [center] [b][h2] [Color=Gray]Vallen[/color] [/h2][/b] [i] The Silent Monk, [/i][/center][hider=image] [img][/img][/hider] [b]Age:[/b] 28 [b]Element:[/b] (no longer using elemental magic, it is unknown what power he once possessed) [b]Personality:[/b] Vallen keeps to himself and his work at the academy. He avoids conversation and confrontation. In class he is firm yet fair. 'Tough love' he is also very protective of his mentor and students. [b]History:[/b] Vallen grew up in a prominent conjuring family that held him to high expectations. His magic never lived up to their esteem. What he lacked in elemental affinity he made up for in combative skill. Years of rigid and strict training from self serving proud parents produced a troubled teen. After near expulsion from the academy he was taken on by Avarius as a permanent personal assistant and pupil. He has since began bettering his ways by respecting his elemental affinity more and not using it for the advantages that it brings. In the past he miss-used and took it for granted, so now he is trying to atone. He still recognises his gift and connection and will even meditate on it but he has learnt that it put his life out of the greater balance. That is the lessons Avarius is teaching him. [b]Equipment:[/b] [url=]Kusarigama[/url] [b]Appearance:[/b][hider][img][/img][img] [/img][/hider] [b]Class Taught:[/b] Teachers aid. Combat movement. Student [center] [b][h2] [Color=lightblue]K[/color]ain [Color=Lightblue]R[/color]assid [/h2][/b] [color=00746b]“[i]Those that fear the dark haven't seen what the light can do.[/i]”[/color][/center][hr][center]Personal Information[/center][hider=Image][img][/img][URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] [/hider] [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 18, [b]Element:[/b] Lightning [b]Personality:[/b] Kain is highly energetic and competitive. He has a way to see the positive side of things and always moves forward. He is eager to learn and grow although not always the brightest student. Since becoming attuned to his abilities he has grown in arrogance and confidence. He is a loud daring personality, not shy nor worried of others opinions at all. [b]History:[/b] Kain grew up in a foster family, never knowing his own. But his new family was good to him, they looked after him. They were not rich but did ok. When Kain showed signs of being attuned to an element his foster family could not stand in the way of his desire for adventure or his endless ambitions. They aided him as best they could for his journey. [b]Equipment:[/b] Concealed throwing knives Clothes and favourite coat