"Yeah, Kiro," Ally laughed as she took off her turtle shell. "You're a lot faster now, but try not to let it go to your head." Even she felt much lighter and wanted to run around the lot and climb trees, but she held back. They would need all of their energy for the tournament. She felt she would make it past the preliminaries, but tried not to think too much about it. It was her first tournament as well as Akita's and Kiro's. Akita took her shell off and stretched. She felt really good about the tournament, though didn't think she would get past her first fight. It wasn't because she didn't believe in herself, but because she knew there were much much better people. She wouldn't give up the fights at all and would give everything she had for Master Roshi's rivalry. "Master Roshi, why do you have a rivalry with Master Shen?"