At first, it appeared that her usual tactics were working to Aria's advantage. While she landed few blows after the initial jab to his throat, the Jedi was tiring just as quickly as she was in trying to constantly block her advances. Thinking that the duel was in the bag, the acolyte dropped her guard as she aimed her final blow for his jugular, her eyes widening in surprise as his hand shot out to catch hold of her ankle before it connected with his neck. She managed to twist it free of his grip but not before the sharp stabbing pain shot through it, causing her to yelp out loud. She landed awkwardly, the injured ankle giving way under her weight and leaving her open to further attack. She couldn't move quickly enough to avoid his fist, gritting her teeth as the muscles seized up and spasmed under the impact. A string of curses worthy of making a Corellian pilot blush left her mouth as she could only wait for the next blow unable to do anything to defend against it.