[center][u][color=fff79a][h1]Lucius Hawthorne[/h1][/color][/u][/center] [center][img]http://pre15.deviantart.net/0ef3/th/pre/f/2016/024/a/7/rattler_by_marko_djurdjevic-d9p5tby.png[/img][/center] [hr] [color=fff79a]Age:[/color] 36 [color=fff79a]Element:[/color] Light [color=fff79a]Personality:[/color] Lucius may appear as an intimidating figure but in truth he is a gentle and patient soul. Following the methods his master, Lucius is willing to take as much time as necessary to instruct his students as long as they have a determined heart and an open mind. To him, meeting the pupil each day is not enough, if one wishes to truly teach their student, they must learn about their student. Their strengths, their weaknesses, their passions, their fears, it all adds up to define the ideal method of teaching. [color=fff79a]History:[/color] At the age of twelve, Lucius' parents discovered their son's ability to manipulate light. Prior to this, the young boy had begun to teach himself about his special gift in secret. When he was discovered, his parents wanted to help but had to idea how. Thankfully there was a way to find the aid their son needed, to keep his gifts hidden from the world they feared would not accept him. Lucius' parents were international aid workers and so traveling to different places was not difficult. When Lucius was fourteen, his parents heard rumors of a man in South America who healed people by calling upon the sun. The Hawthorne family traveled to South America, to a part of the Amazon located in the small country of Guyana. There they found in the dense rainforest the rumored healer who immediately knew of Lucius' abilities. An agreement was made that Lucius would be taught by the monk, Koural, while his parents remained in Guyana, providing aid to the nearby population...hundreds of miles away. Lucius trained under the guidance of Koural in the deepest reaches of the Amazon. For eighteen years the two of them wandered the immense rainforest. Eighteen years of Lucius' life was spent away from his parents; healing the sick and wounded, learning the manipulation of light in ways he'd never imaged before, promoting and preserving life across the wilds. He'd done this for so long he never found out about his parents' deaths until one day he traveled to the nearby town. After discovering the fate of his parents, Lucius finished his training before traveling the world, hoping to spread his master's, and parents', work of charity. Eventually, after three years of wandering, he ended up at the Academy and his purpose was discovered. Lucius would spend the next three years teaching the next generation of Light Elementals all he knew in the hopes of bringing about the world his parents dreamed of. [color=fff79a]Equipment:[/color] [b]The Brand[/b]- Lucius has marked his body with runes which harvest light which can be stored until needed. The runes can also be used as a light source in dark environments as they can emit the light stored within. The Brand can also passively transfer light to nearby light elementals on Lucius' command and also act as a healing source though it does not regenerate mortal runes: mostly cuts, bruises, fractured or broken bones, etc. [color=fff79a]Class Taught:[/color] Photokinesis 101- An introduction to the basics of light manipulation and it's application into and onto the corporeal form.