"They don't look that tough. The only competition I might have trouble with is you guys! And MAYBE those Crane School guys." Kiro laughed, quite confident in his abilities. "My pinky's all I'll need to take care of the rest." Kiro assured them, holding out his right pinky finger for them both to see. "Now, where's Master Roshi? You'd think he'd be here by now, he did take a plane." Kiro questioned, looking around for the old geezer, as he simultaneously rung out his shirt. Many of the other fighters kept looking off in the trio's direction, they were by far the smallest fighters there, one looked like he was only a child! "I hope I don't get paired up with those guys. I might accidentally squash 'em." A rather large, muscular man laughed, as his friend nodded in agreement. "I'm right here." Master Roshi called them over from the entrance. "I've been waiting for at least three hours! I thought you'd be here by the time my plane landed." The turtle hermit disappointingly shook his head, it was only 7,000 miles, he thought for sure they'd finish it without breaking a sweat. "You almost missed your chance to sign up! I would've bought my plane ticket for nothing!" Roshi yelled at the trio.