[center][h3][color=pink]Majin Eve[/color] [u]Heading Toward The Martial Arts Tournament From South City[/u] Near lunch time.[/h3][/center] It was a beautiful day outside, birds were singing, flowers were blooming. And Majin Eve was running as fast as she could to get to the Martial Arts Tournament. [hider=music for effect] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r3kfiyfgyak[/youtube] [/hider] She had accidentally slept in, and now she was paying for it, she'd fly there to spare her legs from the burning sensation they were going to feel when she finally got there, but the simple reason behind that is the fact that she runs way faster than she can fly. So now she was speeding down the streets of South City, running between and over cars as she tried to beeline it towards her destination. In her haste, she didn't think of what running through traffic would do to the people who were in said traffic, and as she passed by chaos ensued. Cars got jammed in nearly every intersection she ran through, but she paid them no mind, she had something she thought more important to focus on. [i][color=pink]'gotta go fast, I don't know how long it's open to people entering, but I'm not going to miss it!'[/color][/i] Eve thought to herself as she cleared another street, soon she could see the end of the city that led to the ocean, and beyond that the island where the martial arts tournament was taking place. Within seconds she reached the shore and came to a stop as she looked at the water. [color=pink]"...."[/color] Eve frowned as she looked across the water to the island, she didn't know how to swim, not that she really needed to because she couldn't drown, but she couldn't run underwater, not very fast at the least, and flying over the vast expanse of liquid would take her a while. Either way seemed like it would take too long and she didn't like that, it could risk her chance of getting to the tournament in time. Eve let out a frustrated sigh as she paced back and fourth down the beach with her arms lightly crossed in thought, then a smile came to her lips as she looked at the island before walked backwards from the water. [color=pink]"if I can't fly over it, and cant swim through it"[/color] [hider=Eve's Theme] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XvZpH7UZerI[/youtube][/hider] [color=pink]"than I'll just run across it!"[/color] Majin Eve exclaimed with determination as she took off running towards the water, as first she was going relatively slow, but that was the sands fault, the second she hit the water she began to run across it as if it was no different that land. She eventually managed to get to the island and made it to the tournament, though she had to wait a little to catch her breath before entering herself into the event. She then found a nice looking palm tree and climbed up into it, somehow completely avoiding being spotted as she made it to the top and laid down to rest in it.