Master Roshi sighed. How could he be mad at them when they were so darn respectful? "Well, you made it in time. That's all that matters. We should get to the hotel, we're going to-...I mean, you're going to need your rest for the big day tomorrow. Hundreds of fighters are here to register, but only few will actually make it past the preliminaries. Keep that in mind." Master Roshi informed them, as he proceeded to yell for a taxi. Immediately a cab stopped for them, as Roshi naturally took the front passenger seat. "Hurry up and get in!" He yelled, as the three of them piled up in the back. ------------------------------------------------- (I'm just going to skip to tomorrow. Not much point in dragging things out. Gotta keep things fast paced. XD) "If you are a competitor in the World Martial Arts Tournament, please proceed to Building C-2." A short Indian gentleman explained through a speakerphone, as he stood on top of a box to make himself known throughout such a large crowd. Hundreds of thousands of people had made their way to the small island from all over the world just to watch these amazing fighters compete. "Please note that the preliminary rounds will be closed off to the public eye, I am sorry for the inconvenience." He further explained. Master Roshi, still wearing his suit, led his three pupils throughout the crowd, as the message was heard. "Oh, darn!" He exclaimed, as he overheard that it was going to be closed battles for the preliminaries. "I was really hoping to watch you kids fight!" He snapped his fingers, trying his best to act as if he were thoroughly disappointed. If anything, this actually helped him. Now they wouldn't be searching for him in the crowd. "You know what? Why don't you guys go ahead to where you need to be, and I'll uh..." Roshi quickly tried to think of a reasonable excuse to disappear. "I need to use the bathroom! Yeah! That's what I need to do!" He exclaimed, quickly running off in the distance. "Wait! Master Roshi! The bathroom's the other way!" Kiro exclaimed, but it was too late, he was already long gone. "What building did the guy say again?" Kiro scratched the back of his head, as he tried to remember. "D-5?" Kiro mumbled, as he looked around for a building labeled as such.