Good to know that good things are coming for all of us, even when curveballs sometimes hit at the most inopportune times. [@Nevis], I do hope the job hunt goes well and that we can up our creative writing activities. I feel like I've been swamped, but at the same time, I say that having a busy life is a good life. [@FernStone] - Good luck on your last final and please have a merry good time with your righteous IRC buddies. I know that Comic Con will be a lot of fun and that the weekend will blink before your eyes. Best way to milk every memory out of your weekend is to bring a camera, take tons of photos, and ... [i][b]wait for it[/b][/i] ... do stupid things that are not [i][b]that[/b][/i] stupid ;P. Maybe you can take some experiences from your Comic Con weekend as writing inspiration for future flashbacks with Dae! As the saying goes, the best stories come from real-life inspirations! [hr] Let's keep ourselves updated on the comings and goings of our colorful lives because I feel like the future's got plenty of colorful tales to share 8). In the mean time, I have been putting off something I should've finished a [i]long[/i] time ago and will now be taking out my newly acquired free time to draw portraits of our main characters. Expect to see posts and artistic black and white portraits of our characters in the near future ...