Rego ran down the corridors of the Archives, he heard blaster fire and screams every so often. As he ran he felt the sound of blaster fire get louder, then stopped when it was at its loudest. Rego was standing near an archway where several Jedis were battling a massive wave of clones, finally he found some of his own kind, and not more murderous clones. The Jedi knight gripped his lightsaber and prepared to rush into battle until he realized just how many clones there really were, and how few Jedi there were. No matter how much he hated to admit it, he had to get out of here and leave these Jedi to their sacrifice. One of the Temple guards was thrown something and started down the hallway. A blaster bolt landed near Rego's feet as he was spotted by the attacking clones. Another just missed clipping him in the arm. He rose his hand up, and summoned the Force like he had so many times before, using it to push the clones firing at him over. That would only give him a brief moment of peace, but tjust long enough for him to break off from the battle and escape, hopefully catching up with the guard on the way. He channeled the Force again, sprinting down the same corridor that the guard had. This guard seemed to be heading for the Training Halls, which seemed like a smart idea, there were probably more friendlies there. Rego managed to gain ground and catch up some with the guard. He shouted out, hoping to get the man's attention. "Hey you! Wait up!" He shouted, loweing his pace down to a jog in which he rose his arms to swing his unlit lightsaber, signaling that he was a Jedi.