"Yes, what luck." Eno said quite sarcastically, as he rolled his eyes, crossing his arms. He couldn't care less if Samu and he fought, there only could be one winner, after all. "It's doubtful, but I do hope at least one of the lousy fighters makes it to the real tournament. I'll need more than a minute to show them the full extent of the power of the Crane School." He expressed his feelings, never taking his eyes off the trio, as he watched them laugh and giggle with one another. Just watching them have so much fun made him want to punch them that much more. Before Kiro could laugh at Akita's utterly horrible number (by whatever rating scale he's going by), a burly, muscular man wearing only gym shorts and boxing gloves (and shoes), suddenly turned around to face the group, as he held out his number with a wicked grin on his face. "I'm number 84, green girl." He laughed in her face, as his friends all joined in with him. "Man, the only fight that would have been easier is if you got the 5 year-old kid over there!" A man next to fighter-number-84 laughed, as he pointed over to Kiro. "I'm 13 years-old!" Kiro angrily shouted at them, as he got in his own sort of fighting style, almost ready to lunge right at the jerks. "What kind of fighting style is that!? You're completely unguarded!" A third man pointed out, tears actually rolling down his cheek at the hilariousness of it all.