Cedric nodded at Gaela and her new warrior friend, silently agreeing with the fact that to do anything, they needed a plan. Before anyone could get another word in, the mousy Breton mage who identified herself as Kiralla unloaded on Cyrendil, rightfully indignant at the pompous ass, who responded in predictably prissy fashion. Cedric couldn’t help but roll his eyes as he blustered on, acting big and scary, like butchering unsuspecting women in their homes took any particular sort of courage. The elf decided, perhaps wisely, given how some of the more murderous looking of the group were eyeing him up, to get in the last word before strutting along. [color=gold]”What a bloody bundle of sunshine that one is.”[/color] Cedric said, clucking his tongue as if gently admonishing a small child towards the departing altmer’s back. [color=gold]”From where I’m standing, he ain’t any different than that so-called witch he butchered, but now ain’t the time to be fussy. Normally I’d like me companions to be nothing but fair-haired- bright-eyed, and busty women, but here I have you lot. No offense, lasses.”[/color] he said, giving a polite bow, but wearing an impish smile. The Reachman raised an eyebrow towards the twitchy and utterly lost Imperial lad. [color=gold]“You do realize castles are fookin’ huge, right? No one is luring the entirety of the guard out, especially when there’s a city guard just for keepin’ the peace. Now I ain’t much of a city man, but from what I gather, castles tend to lock down tighter than a man’s arsehole the first night behind prison bars. Not that you would know anything about that, would ya lad?”[/color] turning back to the group, he listened to the dynamics unfolding. Now that the altmer wasn’t putting in his two Septims, things seemed to be going somewhat smoother. He nodded approvingly of Faruq, the Redguard, laying out a rather sensible idea; get the fuck away from Meir Thorvale to the next town over and sit down with calmer, and more ale filled, heads. It was hard to argue that logic. Brynn spoke up next, waltzing over his words like a cool hand who was used to bossing people around. When he looked Cedric in the eye, stating a job was a job no matter who was the one holding the bag, Cedric smiled and wiggled his brows in quiet response. It was true; he didn’t much care who was paying the bills, so long as at the end of the day, he could set his head down and not have to worry about waking up in the morning with it separated from his body. However, Brynn spoke sensibly and backed up Faruq’s plan. With a shrug, he followed along the now departing group, speaking loudly enough so the distance between people wouldn’t be an issue. There wasn’t much of a reason to be overly quiet at the moment, given that anyone dangerous was currently ransacking Meir Thorvale and they’d all been given a pass to avoid dying for the day. [color=gold]”Our Redguard friend has the right of it, I agree. Now, I ain’t familiar with the Western countryside, but from what I recall from maps is Camlorn’s a bit far off yet, probably about a two day hike if we don’t fook around too much. A bit down the road is Meir Doorguard or some shite, we can pick up supplies for a journey there, or keep on going until we hit King’s Guard, which should be about halfway to Camlorn. I don’t mind pitching a fire and sleeping out of doors, but it’s going to be hard to try to put roofs over all of our heads if we head into these piss-pot inns as a group, and I ain’t sharing a room. “Anyways, name’s Cedric, people back home called me the Elkman. I’m a hunter, not much game I haven’t taken in these lands, so we won’t want for a meal.” [/color]