"Good luck with that!" Samu laughed. He thought Eno was silly for even considering one of the Turtle School students would make it through thirty seconds of the preliminary rounds. "Master Shen is the best! Master Roshi's students just stand around! See? We have this in the bag!" "Hey, you need to turn around and go back to that little group of kids you've got and grow up," Ally said to 84, referring to the 2 other men. "Don't you have something better to do than pick on students?" Akita pushed in front of Ally and was now facing 84 head on. "So you're a boxer, huh? That's really funny, you have legs, but all you do is move with them," she said and did a split kick, stopping right before her foot hit the sweet spot under his chin. "You don't use them for kicks," she said and lowered her leg, "Even then, I'm a lot smaller than you, so good luck catching me." She stuck out her tongue at the man and turned around, determined to ignore him until their fight.