Aryn moved back a little to give herself the opportunity to study him while he spoke and reintroduced himself to her as if it were needed at all. She was almost certain that he would turn down her request and not only that, but truly berate her for being so senseless and wanting to go on a journey that most grown males would not attend because of the danger ahead and the risk of not returning. She was the future of their kingdom and as such was giving even more carelessness to the situation by leaving the castle and inviting danger from every angle to come and wisp her into the night. When he accepted her small chin dropped a bit, her recovered delayed from trying to process his yes was truly a yes and not a figment of her imagination. She clasped her hands in front of her as her smile grew and grew until she laughed softly at his own confidence, willingness and lack of admonition. "Oh, Orin. You have no idea of the sweet relief I feel now knowing that you will go with me. I have wanted to leave and journey to Thornfall since my mother disappeared, but it has taken this long to prove myself capable, study and prepare and gain acceptance from the royal house to travel this distance. I wanted you to come with me because I cannot imagine a better suited companion. We might not have the strength of giants or the brilliance of scholars between us, but we have magic." She lifted her hand and the wind blew in, warm and soft, swirled around them and caused small dandelions to dance in the air around them. "There are so many things we will learn and battles we will fight, but like any great journey, we will be victorious in better understanding the unknown." She turned from him, her long blonde locks moving in the wind she'd called to her. Looking out on the large expanse of land that belonged to her father she understood clearly the danger that lie just beyond the caspian hills and the sea of Elpha. "I will not lie that I'm not a bit concerned or perhaps frightened, but I've missed her for far too long and my brother has yet to be heard from in three moons," she turned to face him again, her face solace as concern painted its way across her lovely features. "I cannot image sitting here one more minute when they need me. I feel it deep in my spirit that something is not right and yet I just pray you and I are the answer they are looking for." She moved closer and reached for his hand, a smile on her face. "Thank you for this... we will handle it and bring home honor, glory and my family, together."