Seeing her vulnerability, Yerbol delivered a front kick to her ribs, following up with a elbow into her obliques and a palm strike to the middle of her chest. Fully confident that the fight was over due to her string of foul language from a few seconds before and her incapacitated state at present, he crossed his arms over his expansive chest, looking at her with a smirk. "Now, can we work together to get out of here or am I going to have knock you out completely because you're too stubborn to honor your part of the agreement?" The sphere began to vibrate on the pedestal, the Jedi striding over only to find that the sphere had closed, the pulsing red light extinguished completely. "That can't be good." He mumbled, attempting to pick the sphere off the pedestal, which wouldn't budge. He tried again, harder. Nothing. "Hey, while I'm trying to get this thing off the pedestal, why don't you try and work out a way for us to-" It came off suddenly, Yerbol almost losing grip of the object, tightening his hold. Sighing in relief, the young Knight walked to his robe, placing the object in one of the deep pockets before standing up, eyes cast around the chamber. There had to be some way to remove themselves. A secret passage of some kind, maybe... "Now I've heard about these tombs on Korriban, how your Dark Masters would want those who tried to rob their 'treasures' to be locked in forever. However, I also know that you people use these things for trials and that are designated exits out that aren't visible. Your Master has probably sent you on a couple of fetch quests here, right? Which means you could have a viable plan to get us out of here?" He folded the robe over his arm, clipping his saber to his belt.