The acolyte doubled over, grimacing in pain and with some difficulty managing to force enough movement out of the spasmed muscles to throw her hands out in front of her to break her fall as she hit the floor of the chamber. Sitting up carefully, she narrowed her eyes at the Jedi's retreating back as Yerbol made his way across to the pedestal and began to try to remove the sphere situated on it. "I could probably find one of them, yes." Aria answered slowly, barely stifling her snort of laughter as the sphere containing the map detached suddenly and Yerbol fumbled to catch it before it rolled out of his hands. Wincing again, the acolyte flexed her injured ankle carefully testing it while hoping that it would still take her weight if she was careful enough. "Whether or not I can walk that far on this ankle, is another story." she concluded, her eyes narrowed at him in an accusatory glare. Bracing her hands against the wall of the chamber, Aria pulled herself to her feet and returned to retrieve her own sabers and cloak. While she had never been in this chamber before in her previous explorations of Naga Sadow's tomb, many of the secret passageways were the same and it wasn't all that hard to find them provided that one knew what they were looking for. By methodically searching the room, the Sith acolyte eventually uncovered one such passage behind what had at first appeared to be nothing more than a simple statue. "Behind here!" she called back to Yerbol, her brow still knitted together in a tight scowl as she tried and failed to shift the stone carving on her own. "I can't move it, but the 'wall' behind it is hollow. Probably loops back round and comes out near the entrance."