Aria paused mid-step and turned to face the three new Sith apprentices as they appeared. As she spoke, her hands closed around the hilt of her sabers. "You three idiots again? Haven't you learnt your lesson yet?" Aria sneered, forcing herself to walk on her ankle despite the searing pain. Showing any sign of weakness would give these thugs ammunition to use against her and she couldn't let that happen. Not now, after all the effort she had gone through to impress the other Masters. She tried not to shift her weight too often and hoped that her slightly altered stance would be attributed to the uneven surface of the ground. They never had been awfully smart, after all, and likely wouldn't notice as long as she kept up the facade. "I thought I gave you enough of a beating the other week, ready for another one so soon?" Igniting her own blades, Aria circled towards the remaining two recruits, parrying a blow from the human male as he lunged for her. They'd gotten stronger since she'd last clashed with them, giving her all the more reason to kill them this time or they would become another thorn in her side later on. They exchanged another few blows with neither landing much success until his foot slipped into what must have been an old excavation trench that the sandstorms hadn't filled up yet, giving Aria the needed opening to finish him off. When she turned to deal with the last remaining opponent, Aria found that they had lunged for Yerbol at the same moment the Zabrak female had, attempting to come up on the Jedi from behind. She considered leaving them to it and trying to make a run for it back to the academy, either way one of them would kill the other and she could deal with the consequences of it later, but not before she had claimed the credit for killing Lysa (and Yerbol too, if she could pull that bluff). She stopped short, however, as a familiar presence connected with her own consciousness, somewhat surprised by the instructions that she was given. "[i]Wait. If he is fool enough to place even some trust in you, then let's use it to our advantage. Go with him.[/i]" Aria recoiled sharply. "[i]You want me to [b]what[/b]?! Why?![/i]" "[i]We do not yet know where their Enclave is, how many of their Masters are left and where their greatest weaknesses are.[/i]" he answered patiently, a hint of amusement in his tone, "[i]Imagine how impressed the rest of the Council is going to be if you can bring that information back to the Academy for us. I know you can pull it off.[/i]" Something told her that this was another idea of his that none of the other Masters or Council members knew about just yet. It seemed like an absurd suggestion to Aria, help a Jedi? Pretend to be one of them? But she had little time to argue, her father's suggestions had served her well in the past after all. And it certainly did hold guarantee of gaining their attention directly, rather than having to bother with any more of these stupid missions to gain more prestige than the rest of the students. Killing Lysa had worked out rather splendidly, but if Yerbol managed to escape with the artefact then the whole task would be for naught and would do nothing but invoke the Dark Council's fury. There was a hidden implication in his voice that indicated he would not save her skin this time if she made the wrong choice. She agreed to the assignment, turning quickly to make the jump towards the two lightsaber duelists, she drove her blade through the remaining thug's torso before he could swing down on Yerbol's head. "For a Jedi, you're pretty terrible at watching for attacks from behind, aren't you?" she scoffed at him, rolling her eyes. "Hurry up, would you, before someone else sees us and we have to fight through every damn recruit in the Academy to get off the planet."