"Will fighters 83 and 84 please step into the ring." A referee called for them from ring C, holding a clipboard in his hand, as he looked around for the two fighters. "I'll try to make it quick and painless." 84 snickered, as he jumped onto the ring. He hit his boxing gloves together a couple of times, as he eyeballed the small woman get onto the platform to face him. "Fighters ready?" The referee confirmed, as he stood between the two. "Begin!" He exclaimed, a bell rang simultaneously, as he quickly moved out of the way. It was his first year refereeing at one of these events, and he was scared out of his mind that someone was going to end up accidentally throwing a punch his way! (You can just roleplay up to the fight, and also RP the whole battle with him and Akita, since he's just a throwaway character. Same thing with any sort of reaction from his friends. XD) "Kick his butt, Akita!" Kiro requested of her, cheering her on from the sidelines. These jerks deserved a beat-down, and Kiro was glad Akita was going to give it to them while testing out her new-found skill set. When Kiro thought about it, this was actually Akita's first real fight. She had sparred with Ally and him before, but now she'd get to see exactly what fighters were like outside their island. "Stop talking and look." Eno ordered Samu, as he gestured his head over to Akita's battle. This was perfect, now he'd get to see just how strong his supposed rivals were. If it were him fighting, it'd probably take only half a second to beat an oaf like fighter-number-84. He'd use all sixty seconds to really show him what a defeat looked like, though, especially if the guy was talking to him like he was the trio. "Hmm." The mysterious Jackie Chun stood on the other side of the room, just out of sight from his disciples (or should I say, his alter ego's disciples. XDD). "Number 126, huh?" He read his slip aloud. "I guess that puts me in..." He looked at the several brackets on the wall, trying to decipher which one he was in. "Uh, that puts you in the first half of block D, Mr." A young, 20-something fighter standing behind him informed him. "What!? Mister!? I'm young enough to be your brother!" Jackie Chun argued, with his glued on hair, he thought for sure he'd look several years younger. "Right, sorry about that." The man awkwardly replied, slowly backing away from the delusional old man. '[i]That's another poor fool that's fallen for your disguise, Roshi. You're a genuis.[/i]' Jackie Chun thought maniacally to himself, as he began to laugh (on the outside). '[i]To think, all it took was a wig.[/i]' He added, also making note that perhaps it was his shades that made him appear older in the past. [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/dragonball/images/f/f1/El_parecido_entre_Jackie_Chun_y_el_Maestro_Roshi.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140615140810&path-prefix=es[/img]