[center][h3]Majin Eve[/h3] [@Shazbot21][/center] Eve's eyes widened slightly at Shin's sudden appearance, she had been lost in thought and didn't notice him approach her. His first question towards her made her confused. [i][color=pink]'what does he mean "are you okay?"... do I look like I'm troubled?...'[/color][/i] She thought to herself with a faint frown as she remained silent, only to listen to him introduce himself as well as ask her another question, which made her a little self conscious about her pink skin color, having been called bubble gum before by less than desirable people, it's not that she didn't like being the way she was, it's just she didn't like when she was 'picked' on for being the way she was. Majin Eve frowned slightly in discomfort as she took a few steps away from Shin, looking away from him as she lightly held her left arm with her right hand. She was going to say something to him but was distracted by one of the many preliminary referees standing on top of one of the four fighting rings before making an announcement. As referees began walking around with silver containers containing slips of paper, Eve, having been distracted from Shin, had began to navigate through the fighters to try and get to a referee to get one of the papers. Though it took a little longer than she though she managed to get a slip of paper and took a look at it, a smile on her as she held onto the paper tightly, as if fearing the possibility of losing it. [color=pink]"Number 47"[/color] Eve said to herself as she smiled with excitement, revealing her white teeth, with really sharp looking fang like canines. After a few seconds of being excited, she calmed down as she watched the fighters converse, then watched the referees just for something to do while she waited for things to get started.