Akita cast a glare at Gin. She felt he had no right to comment in on the battle, much less call them children since he seemed no older than her. When she heard it was time to fight, she let out a long breath and took her place in the ring. She went to bump fists with the man, but he didn't and when the bell rung she was ready. He threw a punch and Akita easily dodged it. [i]He's much slower than Kiro and Ally...[/i] she thought. He threw another jab and she grabbed his arm and pulled him forward, using his momentum to knock him off balance. His whole side was open, so she chambered her leg and slammed her shin against his ribs. A slight cracking could be heard upon impact and he fell to the floor. Akita was shocked by her own power, and so was the crowd of fighters. "Oh my gosh..." "No way..." "-has to be rigged..." She took a deep breath but stayed in her stance. He got up at the count of five, but it was obvious that he was very hurt. The man held his gloved fists in front of him. Akita through a slow jab at his face. She didn't want to go too cast because it wouldn't be fair. He narrowly dodged it and threw a hook. Akita ducked under it and came up explosively, sending a hook smashing into the same ribs. He staggered back and she kicked out her right leg, sending her heel straight into his stomach. [i]Dang! Should've used the ball of my foot instead![/i] she shouted in her mind, but it didn't matter. The ten count was administered and he was out. Ally patted Akita's back as she went up to the ring. Before Akita's fight started, she looked at Gin. He called her a child and it was obvious she was much older than him. She felt that the boxers were immature, not the Turtle Students. "It's her first fight and that guy was being a real jerk to her," Ally explained, "I think she handled it well, and she'll definitely teach that oaf in the ring. Next time you see people arguing, maybe try learning about the situation before jumping in." Then Akita's fight began. She watched Akita dodge every punch and even cringed when the man was hit by her kick. When Akita knocked the man out, she cheered as loud as she could, even if not many people were cheering too much. "I'm Ally, by the way," she said to Gin, "I hope to see you compete soon. Good luck."