Name: Meyumi “Rose” Christianson Gender: Female Age: 23 Affiliation/ Rank: Block 66 Underboss & Accountant Bio: Four years ago, Meyu was nothing more than another Rich Girl, sitting around having Tea Parties and sewing. A Boring life, she would have said, if she had been asked... Hint: She never was. But, behind the blank face and bored eyes was a calculating mind, clever and quick-witted, and yearning for something more. So, on her 20th Birthday, they same day she was supposed to meet the man she was to be forced to marry, she ran away. At this point, she had been saving up part of her money for 15 years, first in a shoebox, and then a bank account once she was old enough to open one, so she had money to run on. One problem: She got to the big city, but at that point, she had no idea where to go, so she decided to just wander around, and in doing so, ended up in a very bad part of town. After wandering in this portion of town for the better part of an hour, Meyumi was well and truly lost. She eventually ran into a group of about three men, creepy looking, but she was lost and scared enough to not notice it. She went up to them to ask for directions, and they tried to get her to stay with them a while. She ran, with the three men hot on her heels. she eventually, by random luck, found the Deuces Wild Diner, at which point she ran towards it. However, as she approached, the men caught up with her, one of them punching her in the side of the head, causing her vision to go fuzzy, and knocking her onto the pavement. Inside the Diner, a waitress saw this happening, and went to tell Donnie, who grabbed Big Zeke and went to punish the men who were trying to kidnap a kid on their turf. By the time they got outside, Meyumi was out cold, with a couple ripe bruises, and in the process of being thrown onto one of the men’s shoulders. Once they saw this, Donnie and Big Zeke made quick work of the three men, and carried Meyumi into a back room to recover a bit in safety. when she woke up, she and Donnie ended up talking, and finances came up, as well as her skills with the same. she was quickly offered a new home in Block 66. Two years later, she has made a name for herself as the Rose of Block 66, though she is still unsure why they call her that, and has done some good work as the gangs accountant, amongst other things making sure that nobody starved, and that they had essential supplies, not always an easy task, she is offered the position of Underboss, as the last one was just killed. The way to accept this position, according to Donnie, is to kill the person who killed the previous underboss, to get revenge and uphold the gangs honor. She killed him, the only time she has killed that she didn’t see as something she had to do to survive. Now, she is part of the gang, and the gang is part of her, and she definitely prefers this life to her previous one. Personality: Will be revealed in the rp (because I hate to lock myself into one thing, instead of discovering via how the character ends up playing and interacting with others) Other: Won't kill if she doesn't need too, feels deeply indebted to Donnie [hider=Appearance:] 5’5” 120lb [img][/img] [/hider] [hider=Armor] [img][/img] [/hider] [hider=Her Walther CCP] [img][/img] [/hider]