[color=fff200]"Tell me sir...Do you really think the world is going to change? The incident a few years ago was something that shook up things a bit. And that boy...he gave up everything too stop that creature."[/color] the young boy said as he tightened his tie around his neck. He ran his hand down his clothes and and patted them afterward. They stood in a dark room it's furnishings and walls obscured by a mysterious darkness. The boy wasn't worried nor did he especially care about the state of the world in truth but he found it interesting his...companion did. Whatever the reasons his companion had too come out of his dark abyss to protect this world for he knew none of them. [color=bc8dbf]"Simply put my dearest friend. The world is in a state of constant change. To know the feeling of desire humans seek, and to seek what they have sought for many years they end up change every day. Unprepared they are for it to come and change the world they know. Hate and malice mixed with pain are things too common in the world they hear. Thus it breeds and continues on as I have read with my cards. An old guard may assemble but their fable will not be able...to change and stop the world's spinning. Desire corrupted and perverted this being it will not stop you see. A new group needs to be made to change and spin the world so that it may be unmade."[/color] the cloaked figure muttered as he flipped cards idly on a table in front of him. The decrepit table shivered as he put the cards on them and then shuffled into a deck. [color=fff200]"And what of the wild card?"[/color] the boy asked simply as he stood crossed arms laying across his chest. The entity chuckled as it gathered the cards together and shuffled the deck. [color=bc8dbf]"The wild card shall be kept at bay. Her presence will not be felt today. Nor tomorrow or the very next day. The other wild cards will not be able to change the pace of our tale. If they come they will find they will not be able to change my mind."[/color] the creature spoke as he flipped some more cards over revealing the moon and star. [color=fff200]"If you say so sir."[/color] commented the boy as he walked over to a mirror and stared into it. [color=fff200]"I still say a wild card would've helped but I suppose it's better to let the deck lay where it is without inserting another card into it. After all we have a joker in this deck already we don't need a fool."[/color] commented the boy with disdain as he poked the mirror as it rippled like water. [color=fff200]"When will they find out?"[/color] the boy asked as the creature shook his head. [color=bc8dbf]"In time in time my dear sweet lad. I will show them their path."[/color] ==== Time: 7:00 - April 12 2014 Tuesday The first day of school for a lot of the kids in Inaba meant the start of another long, long period of studying and dealing with the other kids in their small town. Most people knew each other and the town had gotten a somewhat bad reputation after the murder cases back three years ago attributed too one of the police force's own members. The school had a few new teachers this year and even a new principle. Things were going to be a bit different this year at the very least. It wasn't raining but there were some clouds out in the sky and the weather was fairly nice despite it being a bit breezy. A bunch of kids were gathered all around the school grounds. Even the group of delinquents had their place on the side of the high school. The kids were led by a guy named Hashirama Miyomoto and then there was a smaller trio who's head was a boy named Shiro Wanatabe. Either way only Shiro really picked on anyone actively and the bigger group was led by just a bunch of kids attempting to be cool or find a group they can skip classes with. Most of the kids in school were kind though and many of them were talking and chatting about stuff they were doing when school was off. The new freshmen would be coming in this year and as usual some of the seniors were devising plans on picking on the new kids in their own ways with all sorts of rumors and pranks. But for most kids it was just a return to the norm. Will was walking with his friend Heero who was still showing him around the town because he himself didn't know where everything was. He had been here for about two days now. Three if you counted his one. Will was a transfer student from America and he had come here by getting in contact with his friend Heero's student exchange program. He was to spend a year or so here in Japan while another student from Inaba spent some time in America. Will was really glad to be in Japan despite his rather rough Japanese. He stood by his friend with his uniform on and he felt really out of the ordinary. Will wasn't use to being in such a foreign environment. Everyone looked different and spoke in a different accent than he did. It felt jarring. He just wanted something to happen already! He wanted to get to school and sit down and maybe talk to some people. However Heero turned to him and smiled, [color=8dc73f]"Hey dude chill out. You got me by your side."[/color] Heero said with a smile. Heero had said it in English and Will responded by nodding at him with a slightly forced smile, [color=7ea7d8]"I'm doing what I can man it's not easy being the new guy. More over it's not easy being the American."[/color] the young boy said as he walked down the road with his friend almost too the school he could see it coming up. He wouldn't be late at least.