Bashingly here, you can call me Bash if it's a little bit of a mouthful. I keep rewatching The Force Awakens, and everyone is so keen to tell me how garbage Kylo Ren is - which is fine, he's the worst - but I'm just absolutely in love with the idea of him and Rey together. I'm looking for someone interested in playing Rey, of course, and my main caveat is that I'd love a more dominant Rey -- mostly because wow, Rey is so great -- and really, I don't think it's a good idea to leave Kylo just... in charge of anything. As much as I love his character, those tantrums aren't something to leave unchecked, haha. I don't mind if things end up mature, but my main thing is that on the part of Kylo, it's definitely a preeeetty much unhealthy obsession with Rey, at least to start with. I don't think he's got the whole 'affection' thing down, and I definitely don't think he knows how to express his emotions without a big old burst like we've seen in the movie. I'm guessing it'd work well enough in a redemption arc sort of thing (even though let's be real, people shouldn't trust this dumb kid for a long time), but I'm obviously open to pretty much any scenario where Rey sort of kind of ends up with the upper hand, haha. Basically I just wanna work all the Reylo stuff out 'cause I'm trash, PM me if you're interested yo!