Grant huffed at the effort. He couldn't give up now. He had made it half way back to camp but he was hurting. Carrying a full grown buck on his back was no easy task. After a couple of more feet, he gave up and slowly lowered the animal back onto the ground. He looked at Amelia with a tight smile and sweat under down his temple, "I'm not going to hurt myself... but it's nice to know you care at least a little." After what he had said to her, he didn't expect her to be concerned for him. --- [@Carlsberg] Paisley smirked at him. She didn't want to set off any land mines, especially since he had home field advantage. She tilted her head a little, her eyes brimming with curiosity, "Why didn't you leave the forest?" It was a simple question, but she hoped he knew what she meant. After all his murdering had gone down, he should have gotten out of town and moved across the country. it didn't make since for him to stay after all that he did.