[center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Charles%20Darling&name=CFOneTwoTrees-Regular.ttf&size=100&style_color=09D95C[/img] [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/11ad1924b0be2b49fc501886eee06035/tumblr_inline_mkjj7jSPAd1qz4rgp.gif[/img] [color=springgreen][h2]Location - The Lodge[/h2][/color][/center] [color=springgreen] After getting settled into the cabin, Charlie and Wendy had decided that they'd spend the day at the ski lodge, where the party was being held the next night. Charlie still had the credit card he'd snatched of the one guy and so payment wouldn't be an issue. The two drove over and paid for the day, but Charlie was left on his own after Wendy spotted some YouTuber who's autograph she desperately wanted. They were teenage runaways, but she still watched YouTube. On his own, Charlie headed outside, grimacing as his face was pelted with the cold winds of Tahoe. He got a pair of skis and strapped them on before heading over to the lift. It had been quite a few years since he'd been skiing, in fact he'd still been living at home with Wendy. He smiled as he thought of the memory, him with his father and mother and Wendy-well, Wendy's father and mother. His parents were elsewhere, and they were damned good at not being found. His mind having taken a turn for thoughts he didn't want to think, he focused on the line he was in. It wasn't too long, but Charlie hated waiting, and his foot tapped the ground anxiously. As he scanned the crowd, watching the people around him, he noticed one man in particular, walking with a blonde woman. He looked familiar, but Charlie didn't have time to place it before he was sent up the mountain. [i]Whatever. I'm probably just imagining things.[/i][/color]