Oliver nodded when Sanguine's plans echoed his own thoughts. "Sounds like a good time." he agreed, deciding he was going to join her. Probably not in the same bath, unfortunately, but he figured they would get there eventually. For now, getting comfy and drunk together sounded wonderful to him. Of course, his thoughts went out the window when the vampire ambushed him with an arm loping around his. He grinned at the gesture, but wasn't concerned with the time when it came to drinking. She said something about spells and writing, but the Paladin wasn't entirely sure what she meant. He did understand when she asked what his plans were, though. "I figured I would take a bath, change into something comfortable, and try out the minibar. Probably take a nap." he didn't seem terribly worried about much of anything, and it showed. Clearly being the Guild Master's second in command was really where it was at. "Trying out spells sounds like fun, though." he added. Writing things down sounded like a lot less fun, so he would probably do his best to skip that part. It didn't help that his penmanship left a good deal to be desired, so it wasn't like the warrior would be any help with that. He supposed he could offer his own insights, but Sanguine had enough to write down, she didn't need him interrupting her thoughts. "Let me know if need a hand with anything." he supposed it couldn't hurt to offer. Well, that wasn't quite true, but he wasn't going to not help the woman he'd fallen in love with...