Scarlett let out a small sigh and looked around the courtyard and noticed the woman, which is near the Nymph statute and noticed the glass globe was completely empty. Scarlett touched her Tiered Necklace of Dark’s biggest gem and smiled with a slight smirk since it is still amazing. She let go of her gem until the woman in the middle of the courtyard took off her hood and showed her beautiful hair, eyes, and face. Scarlett was a little bit worried when the woman told her to follow but her name Idris is beautiful but the profession Idris is felt different to her mostly because she has never met a Warlock before until now that is. Zachery noticed Scarlett finally out of her daze and is happy at this. Scarlett walks towards her pet Zachery and follows Idris without question. Zachery follows behind Scarlett since that is how he usually stays behind her. Scarlett was slightly happy in following Idris. Zachery on the other hand wasn’t that happy to follow a warlock since his last master was a warlock before Nick that is, and it was a very long time ago. Scarlett was in the middle of the group in terms of the six sages following Idris. Scarlett walked through the gate, which lead into the darkness. The Scarlett Rose was glowing a blue aura and her eyes was glowing the same color since this is only happens when she is pure darkness. Scarlett definitely felt like it was hours but in a few seconds she stopped and looked at what seems like a Portal in the Cave to another dimension. [i][color=f6898d]”Huh, never thought this would be in Tenebra, I guess this school needs something unique,”[/color][/i] Scarlett thought to herself. [center]-= [Through the Portal to a Parallel Dimension] =-[/center] Scarlett walked through the portal behind Idris and noticed the unreal landscape, she sees a place with no trees but a vast field with rolling hills. She noticed the large castle like structure about 300 yards from her. She was amazed at the sight even though she somewhat doesn’t like the light. Therefore, she covers her eyes with her left arm so she can see every other detail. Zachery noticed everything and somewhat sigh at the display mostly the opposite to what Tenebra is. Scarlett hears Idris say ‘it's a Parallel dimension so to speak.’ Scarlett still following Idris noticed the University’s front doors, revealing the front hall and was somewhat amazed at each of the elemental doors but the 7th door was a little bit terrifying to look at since she felt a foreboding aura from it and they were on the right side. She would keep that door in her mind since it was different to all the other doors. [i][color=39b54a]”This school feels familiar like I have been here before but that makes no sense, I lived in Tenebra my whole life,”[/color][/i] Zachery thought. Scarlett continued to follow Idris down the hallway towards the dorms and felt somewhat weirded out at the fact there was vines, trees, and other such things growing everywhere. She noticed a person sleeping in a hammock and Idris was somewhat angry at the fact this happened. Scarlett hears the name of the man who was sleeping, Kailu from Idris. Scarlett watched them fight and was entranced by their fight since it was beautiful and somewhat unique, which felt like a lesson for her at least. She was shocked to notice, they were both winged elves and they were very good with their elemental attacks, etc. After the fight, she heard Mira asked them two if they needed healing but Idris said no and it's more or less fun for them two. Scarlett followed Idris towards the dorm rooms and noticed the elemental symbols on the doors and finally she heard Idris talk about the room arrangements. She gave out a small sigh at the fact, which she has to room with people since in Tenebra it is somewhat illegal to room with another person since they would kill you in your sleep otherwise. Scarlett heard the wereserpent's outburst and held her ears a bit because it was pretty loud. [i][color=f6989d]"What the... he must be very angry at someone lately or he hates being roomed with a nymph,"[/color][/i] Scarlett thought to herself. The Scarlett Rose was glowing blue still. Zachery annoyed at Scarlett hating bad words in terms of what the Wereserpent said and her attitude in general. Scarlett looks at Idris slightly and then looks at Mira. [color=f6989d]”I need to work on my weaknesses and that would be a big weakness to work on,”[/color] Scarlett said kindly towards Idris. Zachery face palms at Scarlett's blatant kindness. [color=f6989d]"Hi Mira, my name is Scarlett Nina Atkinson,"[/color] Scarlett said kindly. Zachery face palms at Scarlett's kindness again and just sighs because she will never change since it is genetic.