[center][h1][color=00aeef]Natasha Parks[/color] and [color=82ca9d]Christian Emory[/color] [/h1] [img]http://i.imgur.com/lh5ENDe.gif[/img][img]http://data2.whicdn.com/images/57991396/tumblr_mkyojj9N5V1r1hm4ao1_250_large.gif[/img][/center] A collab with [@Lady Amalthea] Not everyone had arrived when Wadsworth strolled into the room, tablet in hand. The lack of participants seem to frustrate him. Natasha supposed it would stuff things up a bit. She looked at the empty seat. [i]Ran away before he could even get a word from me[/i] she chuckles to herself slightly, leaning back into her chair slightly, making herself comfortable. Wadsworth announced the new pairings and, soon enough, pulled over a curly-haired man. Tall, very tall. His height was the first feature she noticed, he had at least a foot over Natasha's standing height and she was sitting at the present moment. She gave him a smile as he greeted her and nodded a greeting in return. Starting to look over her new date, however, her thoughts were quickly drawn away from her before they could properly form by waiters who she thanked as they set food and such on the table. Natasha takes a sip from her white wine as she awaits the bell. Then it rang. Christian said nothing but a go-ahead to start. A gentleman it seemed, nice, she liked a gentleman. The thing that caught her attention most, though, was his thick accent. A London one, much like hers, but his seemed to come more from London itself then Natasha's accent which reflected the rural outskirts of Landon she grew up in. [color=00aeef]"Wow, OK, uh... hi,"[/color] she starts. [i]Oh nice going Natasha, not awkward at all[/i]. She fumbles slightly to extend a hand as she continues on. [color=00aeef]"I'm Natasha... as the name tag on the table already states I guess. Yeah, I've never really done something like this before but, hey, it's a new experience, anything could happen."[/color] [color=82ca9d]"Well where are my manners. My name is Christian and I am very pleased to meet you Miss Natasha,"[/color] he said cordially, that smile still playing on his lips. It never seemed to go away. It would fade a little then return even brighter. Thing was his smile didn't seem forced, it was just there naturally. [color=82ca9d]"I am a travel guide by trade but honestly I just use the occupation to fund myself being able to see new places. How about you? What keeps your bills paid?"[/color] he asked. He had a brilliant smile, Natasha had to note that, it didn't at all seem forced. It was infectious too, she couldn't help but allow the smile on her own face to widen. [color=00aeef]"Tour Guide? That must be an interesting job! I'm a freelance journalist myself,"[/color] Christian's smile grew as she smiled; seemed she was relaxing a bit. That was good. He couldn't stand people that were stuck up even though he ran into plenty of those types while he was working. Oh well they paid well, so he dealt with it. [color=82ca9d]"I enjoy it. Let's me see places I normally wouldn't be able to. Love seeing where people come from and the history behind it. So journalist? What type of articles do you write? What tickles Miss Natasha's fancy?"[/color] Natasha pursed her lips slightly before giving her date another smile and a slight chuckle, [color=00aeef]"Current affairs a fair bit, the stuff that I think to really matter, you know. I know, boring, but that stuff has seemed to stick on me, I try and avoid politics and celebrity gossip. I cover a lot of big fundraisers also, it's nice to show people there is some good in the world."[/color] she chuckles once again, slightly less this time, [color=00aeef]"Not the sort of thing a lot would think interesting but I enjoy it, and it pays the bills so that works. So how does a tour guide find himself looking for love in this way?"[/color] she asks leaning in slightly, resting her arms on the table. She covered things to help people? Damn, that was sweet in his mind. Not enough good in the world as far as he was concerned. Was nice to hear that someone was focused on it. [color=82ca9d]"Well you'll have to let me read some then. Would like to see something besides a purring cat on the web,"[/color] he chuckled a bit before ruffling his hair a bit and taking a drink of his wine. Setting the glass back on the table he groaned a bit at her question before sighing. [color=82ca9d]"Sorry, wasn't you that caused that lass. Me mum bought me the damn ticket. Thinks it is about time I settled down and gave her grandchildren instead of bounding all over the world. What about you?"[/color] [color=00aeef]"I'll be sure to send something your way,"[/color] Natasha replies with a smile. She leans back, sipping her wine before gently placing the glass on the table. [color=00aeef]"Can't say my story is too much different. My mother's been on my back about trying to find a partner and my friends are all marrying, most have tried to set me up on a date or two. They might get off my back if I make an effort but, if nothing come £ of it, the holiday's totally worth it, it's beautiful,"[/color] She ran a hand through her long chocolate brown hair, twisting it around her left hand a couple of times before letting it spill over her left shoulder. Christian laughed a bit and nodding in complete understanding. He knew how it felt to have all his old friends either married and having kids or getting married. [color=82ca9d]"Yes it is. I have to wonder though, why people think we need to get married? I mean, if we are happy with our lives, what is the problem?"[/color] [color=00aeef]"Exactly!"[/color] she agrees, voicing her opinion louder than one probably should in such a setting, gesturing toward him in triumph. She was just glad [i]someone[/i] got it. For all she knew her cancer could come back and kill her, a fear often embedded in her mind. Such an easygoing and go-with-the-flow life wasn't one for many but it was for Natasha. She gave Christian a smile as she leaned back in her seat, watching her current date. Christian chuckled at her reaction. He was glad she agreed. Granted he wanted to try to find someone. He didn't enjoy being alone but he was happy with his life and he took it day by day. For him unless someone really caught his eye there was no point to stop living the way he was. He wasn't avoiding love, he just wasn't going to force it. [color=82ca9d]"Well hopefully since we came here, people will at least leave us alone for a bit knowing we tried."[/color] [color=00aeef]"You're right there Christian, hopefully,"[/color] It wasn't that Natasha was avoiding finding a partner but she didn't really care to look and left it to be something that if she found someone she had a romantic interest in she would try but not something she'd go out of her way to find. Perhaps a bit like fate. Natasha leaned upon the table with her arms once again. [color=00aeef]"Your accent... Are you from London?"[/color] [color=82ca9d]"Yeah, born and raised. Wasn't until after college that I set out on my own. Dad wasn't too happy. He figured I would follow in his footsteps and become a teacher since I majored in history but I just couldn't see myself grading papers all day long. I would have ended up being one of those teachers that just passed everyone cause I forgot to grade the final,"[/color] he chuckled some as he looked at her. [color=82ca9d]"And you, what little hamlet are you from?"[/color] [color=00aeef]"I don't blame you. I doubt I could spend my weekends grading papers,"[/color] she chuckled slightly, running a hand through her chocolate brown hair. [color=00aeef]"Me? Well I was born and raised in a small town outside of London, I moved to London at... 14 I think it was. It's a long story,"[/color] Natasha leaned back in her seat. She felt quite comfortable in Christian's company, as if she could hold a conversation with him for the rest of the night, however, she knew the bell would go off soon enough. [color=82ca9d]"Moved to London when you were 14 and I am just now meeting you? Seems I have missed out. So why the move?"[/color] he asked, intrigued by her but then the bell rang and he sighed slightly as he looked over towards Wadsworth. Shaking his head he looked back towards Natasha, smiling softly to her. [color=82ca9d]"Guess we will have to continue this later."[/color] Rising from his seat, he reached out and took her hand, kissing the back of it softly. [color=82ca9d]"See you soon I hope."[/color] [color=00aeef]"Well London is a big city,"[/color] she points out, taking a sip of wine. That was when he questioned the move came up. Natasha pursed her lips, she wasn't sure if it was a topic she ready to touch base on yet, she definitely didn't expect it to come up so soon. That was when the bell rang. Saved by the bell, at least Natasha would be ready for the question next time. Christian rose from his seat and Natasha stood in the same fashion, the height difference was enough when they both stood. He reached for her hand and Natasha allowed him to grasp it gently in his own, pressing a soft kiss on the back of it. Natasha couldn't help but feel her cheeks warm slightly. Was she blushing? She was blushing, Natasha was sure of it. [color=00aeef]"I bet you will,"[/color] she replies, waiting for him to leave for his next date before seating herself on her chair again. [color=82ca9d]"Hope the rest of the night goes as smoothly as this did,"[/color] he said warmly before heading over to Wadsworth to find out who he would be spending the next part of the evening with. Glancing back over to Natasha he couldn't help but continue to smile. Maybe this trip wasn't going to be so bad after all.