[center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/uxhRFfV.png[/img] [h3][color=crimson]-Fragments of Crimson-[/color][/h3] [b][color=crimson]GM:[/color][/b] [@KoL] [b][color=crimson]Co-GM:[/color][/b] [@TheWindel] [/center] [quote=Braider of Trembling Might, Sophie Sawallisch] [i] "This message has reached you after passing through various Outlaw branches around the world to ensure its integrity. You are being requested, at Boston, USA, by the Flame Haze leadership, to take part in a task force to take down the Weaver of Dreadful Legends, [url=http://iv1.lisimg.com/image/5935069/600full-assassin-of-red.jpg]Shitiri[/url]. Stopping her plans is imperative, but be cautious, many of our comrades have fell to her hands already, this is why we chose to assemble a team this time. In two weeks, meet with your appointed allies on the Port of Boston, on a warehouse marked with the Outlaw's badge, a representative will be there to provide an on-site briefing.[/i] [/quote] With that letter in hand, the Herald of the Collapsing Warcry, [url=http://i.imgur.com/hENKuJU.png]Farris Aran[/url], made her way to the marked wharehouse, asking the opinion of her partner on the current events, [color=steelblue]"What do you think of this situation, Crokel? That Crimson Lord appear to be up to something big, the very air of this city seems to reek with anticipation, or... fear."[/color] [color=steelblue][b]"That's only natural, Farris Aran. The Weaver of Dreadful Legends is an ancient and powerful Crimson King that has been plaguing the world for longer than we are contracted. No one knows much about her, except that she used to lead a pacific life, but after something happened in the wake of the Great War, she changed. Do you remember the Black Death? It was actually one of the Weaver's doings, but no one ever discovered why, anyway, so much for talk, we are here, finally."[/b][/color] Crokel cut his speech as Farris finally reached the wharehouse. Pushing the marked door open, they were greeted by a couple of other Flame Haze, the Puppeteer of Devilish Skills, [url=http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/shakugan/images/f/f5/Sale_profile.gif/revision/latest?cb=20100927125740]Seere Habichtsburg[/url] and the Archer of Aurora, [url=http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/shakugan/images/8/85/Chiara_profile.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20100528142943]Chiara Toscana[/url] who greeted them, before Chiara said, [color=palegreen]"Well, you two seem to be the first to arrive, please, make yourselves at home. I'm the Archer of Aurora, Chiara Toscana and this are my friends, Forerunner of Daybreak and Successor of Twilight, Outreniaia and Vetcherniaia as well as the Puppeteer of Devilish Skills, Seere Habichtsburg and the Gorgeous Hanging Strings, Gizo. We came to instruct you all, and help man Boston's Outlaw for some time as soon as the others arrive we will begin the briefing. Right, Seere?"[/color] [color=violet]"Yeah, you her the kid, if the others don't miss their way here, we are good to go in one hour, tops. For the time begin lets chill out. Wanna a drink, Herald of Collapsing Warcry, Farris Aran and Thundering Earth Call, Crokel?"[/color] Seere said as he threw a bottle of whiskey to Farris. [color=violet]"Stories about you say that you're as hard to outdrink as the Chanter of Elegies, I wanna see if that's tru- Hey! What have I done now?"[/color] Seere looked at Chiara who had elbowed him not so subtly and was glaring with a disapproving look in her eyes. [color=palegreen]"We are here on a mission, Seere, you can leave your drink for after we've finished for the night"[/color], Chiara said, [color=palegreen]"I'm sorry for his ways, Herald, Seere is a good person, but sometimes he gets a bit too eager. Let me know if he bothers you."[/color] Farris, who had been observing everything quietly, set the alcohol bottle to the side before, chuckling as she said, [color=steelblue]"There's no problem, just like you said, Archer of Aurora, let's wait for others peacefully. As for your invitation, Puppeteer of Devilish Skills, I'll be glad to take you on when we are done. I may not be the Chanter of Elegies, but I'm sure my drinking skills won't disappoint you."[/color] Farris said with a confident grin born of hundreds of years of practice. Now, all that they had to do is lay low and wait for the others to arrive. Hopefully, it won't take too long?