[center][h2]Claws Vs. Scythes[/h2][/center] [@Themerlinhawk] Shiba watched as the monster started to shed its scales apparently it was much like its own snake like counterpart and as a result it made its new skin quickly and hardened itself just as fast. Shiba watched as it came and got its scythes ready to slash down both Shibas wings and aim for his soft spot under its rib cage. Shiba heard what it was whispering about how its killed more then it has cared to count in thousands of worlds and lifetimes. Shiba grinned widely and a little evily at that [color=green]"That so?[/color] Shiba said as he closed his wings quickly to drop again but he grabbed his scythe with his claws using the monsters own momentum to fling himself over the monster and got behind it and he made a fast punch or rather he pointed his claws forward and he dug into the creatures back deep to see it gush [color=green]"Then I don't need to hold back anymore!![/color] The knight yelled as he made 4 more stabs into the creatures back all the while injecting huge amount of poison into its system. When the creature was ready to drop the ground Shiba grabbed two of its scythes and ripped it from its very body as it flew back into the air and threw the scythes off the ship.