[center][img]http://www.shadowrun.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/sru_sro_header_city_1600_01_1.jpg[/img][/center] The year is 2072 and the world is a stark, neon-drenched shadow of its former self. Following the Awakening in 2012, magic has returned to the world. Elves, Orks, Dwarves and Trolls have returned to the general populace, with incidents like Goblinization of 2021 causing humans to transform into Orks or Trolls seemingly at random. As if that weren't enough, megacorporations call the shots now, wielding the autonomy and power of small nations with the private security manpower to match. Inequality is rampant, freedom can be bought and civility is a memory. In a world where zebra meat is cheaper than coffee and corporate espionage is better funded than national intelligence agencies a Runner can either thrive or perish, living in the shadows as a glorified smuggler for hire. Depending on your scruples, you could deal in anything from data to drugs to human life if the nuyen is right. But a Runner is only as good as their team, and how good you are determines how long you live. Welcome to the future, chummer. [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/rkKr9xH.png[/img][/center] [hr] [url=http://shadowrun.wikia.com/wiki/The_Awakening]Shadowrun Wiki.[/url] [hider=CS Skeleton] Name: Gender: Race: (Human, Ork, Troll, Dwarf or Elf). Appearance: Age: Archetype: (Street Samurai, Mage, Decker, Shaman, Adept or Rigger). Equipment: Abilities (Shaman, Mage, Decker, etc): Backstory: Notes: Where do you currently live: [/hider] [hr] [b][u]Rules:[/u][/b] - Try to post every 3 days or so if you can. If you can't just let me know in the OOC here. - Try to post at least three sentences. - Try to tag (i.e [@Hjalti]) the player you're replying to in your post so they get a notification to come check the RP. - Obviously, no god-modding. - Don't be a bastard. Try to be civil. (In the OOC, I mean. In the IC you can be Spider Jerusalem if that's your characters personality.) - I don't plan on getting too caught up in the lore, so you don't need to be an expert in Shadowrun to play. - Rules are subject to change as situations arise.