[centre][b][color=fff200][h1]Niesha[/h1][/color][/b] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/bc/87/9c/bc879c7f6f7d5afd362c110cb7f9963e.jpg[/img][/centre] [hr] [centre][b]location:[/b] West side baptist church, Smokey road [b]interacting with:[/b]sophie, [@Nallore][/centre] [hr] Does it begin again? Niesha wondered, do I once more collect a rag tag bunch of individuals? To what end? Will I be left alone, again? She waited for Sophie to be ready, glancing out on of the windows, checking to see if there were any walkers, or humans out there. Once she was satisfied that the coast was clear for the moment, she darted out the door, long since having developed silent walking and running skills. The school had clearly been ransacked, and would yield no supplies, but they could still try a food store and hope the warehouse hadn't been ransacked too Much, houses and surely there were fruit trees about. And sometimes people's vegetable gardens yielded veggies, if you dug down. And they'd have to find water. Waiting for Sophie, Niesha scanned the area, listening for any sounds of walkers, her bow in her hand, and an arrow loosely knocked. She wondered, as she often did, how many of her compound were still alive. She wondered, as she had since she was seven, if her brother was alive. And she wondered if she was doomed to care and lose, forever. [color=fff200]"where shall we look?"[/color] she would ask Sophie when she joined her