Reworking the entire Ancients of Elan idea. The RP is ongoing, but I will still accept people who want to join. You may ask me questions if you have any and no not everything is finished. I won't be including certain parts until the RP progresses toward the point I feel those parts are necessary. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Races Part 1 HUMANS [hider=Humans]Race Name: Human Average Appearance & Characteristics: They look no different than average humans. Though the Arkadian Humans did possess the ability to use psychological abilities, but this was only due to the influence of the Tree of Yggdrasil that once existed on Arkaya until it was destroyed. Racial Abilities: Despite not having the ability to use magic, this race is probably one of the most intelligent races around being able to easily adapt to various technologies that are too advanced for them. Their ability to learn from human error and apply themselves so that they may be successful had lead to their prideful ability to being to achieve what is even impossible by any means necessary. Even limitations doesn't prevent this race from achieving what they want. Life Expectancy: Around 100 years, but can be a little more. Highest expectancy is 218 years of age. Appearance: This one is obvious. Home Planet: Gaea Magic Systems Used: Alchemy Description & History: Humans are the largest sub-population on Gaea despite not being one of the sentient races even though they like to believe they are. Their evolution from mere mammals into an evolved species was one so sudden it seemed like it had just transpired overnight, raising many questions amongst other races, as to the truth of their origin. The biggest question many ask, how they came to be like they are now? If they used to be primates then what gave them the drive to become a new species? To this date, nobody has the answer to that question. Humans are a relative species of the primates with intelligence that even exceeds that of their progenitors. The human academic community maintains they are too are one of the original sentient species of Gaea though some archeologists and researchers from other sentient races are unsure about this claim. The one question that is asked amongst all the others is where the human’s existence is during the Ehtolian Miracle. The six continents that make up Gaea: Holyoke, Ytrelia, Sidel Avanayru, Xanathare, Lunarise and lastly Alis Astralia used to be one large continent by the name of Elian. During the times of the Elian Crusaders who rose up against the tyranny of the Avernian Lord Xhosa and his evil Avernia Empire humans were not recognized in the society until the near end of the Holy Elian War. By this time, the Phaedrians along with various other races with superiority and power who could oppose the evil Harken race had already dealt significant blows within the Harken society. Humans had little influence in the outcome of the war other than many were rescued from captivity from the Harken clutches when being sold off as slaves. It wasn’t until after the Holy Elian War that humans started to appear on the Gaelan planet. By then, Elian had broken up into six continents where six Elian Crusaders established the six greatest nations of Gaea. The biggest fallacy that plagues the other races is that they cannot find human origin within any of the ancient artifacts from the elder times. The view that humans are a sentient species is not shared by researchers of other races including divine races such as the Elves and Sylvan. Both conclude that there is no conclusive evidence of their existence in the fossil record. Human idealists suggest a teleological reason for the emergence of one species form so many disparate groups. This marks humanity as a necessity towards the step of some of the most questionable standards of divine evolutionary intiative that is hard to explain. Though intelligent and highly able to adapt to various environments and regions, humans are ill-equipped to live in the wild so they developed new standards such as new technologies which make it easier for them to become residents of the regions, but it would alter the environment and ecosystem around them to their own benefit. This often put them at odds with nature, sometimes harming or at worst destroying it. This usually displeased other nature reverent races such as the Elves and Sylvan, who regard their emergence and proliferation as a threat to the natural order of Mother Nature, the supreme deity they revere rules over all creations. The Elves and Sylvan have cast the human race as heretics who declare war on other groups in order to achieve their chieftain purpose of world domination. They decree humans use most hostile techniques like propaganda to stir up lies and problems within their opposition so they can confuse them and defeat them with ease. Humans not only to both these groups, but several other races consider them dangerous to the society of those races. For this reason, these races tend to have little collaboration and interaction with the human race. They think if they allow themselves to be influenced by humans that they will be endangering those who are cooperative with their species along with their own species. They consider the humans fluctuating technology to be the most dangerous of all things. Humans unfortunately unlike various races, cannot learn to live within their means and utilize technology as a safe haven they’ve established to protect themselves from the threat of extinction. They are often deemed as evil-doers by not only these races, but various other races that live within their own means. The Elven and Sylvan have cast the human race aside and do not cooperate with them. Both races refuse to have any outside connection with humans while trying to remain neutral toward the rest of society. When it comes to religion, humans have had mixed beliefs ever since Xhosa’s defeat at the hands of the Elian Crusaders. Most humans are monotheistic when it comes to religion. Some cases they can be duotheistic, but very seldom are many polytheists leaving only a select few remaining that are. On chart when it comes to religious values, 65% of the Gaelan society of humans is monotheist. While 25% of the Gaelan society is duotheist. The last 10% of the population of humans is polytheist. Many of the human religions are based on the idea of monotheism though the gender split has caused it to sometimes to be segregated. The most common forms of human monotheistic religions are the ideas of Saterianism, Atroshaniuism, Magdalenism, Elyriaism and Loshanism. Quite a few have established their own religious sects and have become some of the most renowned religions on Gaea. One of the religions they established right after the Fall of the Harken during the times of the Elian Crusaders was Saterianism which established the Church of Sateria. Sateria in many religions is known as the God of War though various religions don’t believe Sateria exists. Saterianism as a religion is often seen as a conflicting religion which does not appeal to the other gods and goddesses who govern the balance in the Universe. Due to this, Saterianists are often persecuted by various other religious groups that had existed before the Church of Sateria. It is to this dismay, that the Church of Sateria has in ways become an exstremist religion that mirrors the actions of other religious sects that persecute it. The Sylvan and Elves are strong followers of Deity Worship though some are also Astalists. The church both follow the most is the Church of Sigma. Not many duothestic or polytheistic values appeal toward the humans. A Deity Worship group that is most known to many that contains even humans is called The Exodus which formed the Church of Mother who worship highly the Goddess of All-Creation Sigma. The only duotheistic sect humans are a part of though it has divided in some areas, the Church of Elia which has a chieftain belief that Atroshaniu and Magdalene were heaven sent by Sigma and Kreosus. The conflict with some of the ideas of Elianism has caused a major divide in the original church. There are now the Church of Atroshaniuism and the Church of Magdalene due to this. Humans are a race incapable of magic being never born with it has an innate gift like various other races that inhabit Gaea. Even though they are incapable of ever hoping to wield magic as an innate ability, races such as the Arkadians have developed new standards that may now shed light to the dark cloud that prevents them from using it. They themselves have also developed new standards which would defy the normal law that had previously prevented them from using the marvel. The first is the less extreme though can produce various birth defects. It is the breeding of humans with another magic innate race. This allows their children to be born with the innate ability to utilize magic and would finally bring hope that in the future full-fledged humans would gain the capability of using it. Humans are not alone when it comes to being unable to use magic. Other races such as the Jotunns, Emancians, Ravalkians and Threyes suffer from the same consequence. They are not alone when it comes to not being able to wield magic. The second means of them being allowed to utilize the art was a stud introduced by a scholar named Reishin Primavalthera when he designed the Egis and designated first as a magical amplifier then later introduced it as a new revolution toward using magic for the incapable. The Egis was a special accessory that allowed humans to tap into the hidden potential that was sealed in their bodies. This in turn allowed them to wield magic. While it amplified magical prowess in the innate, it allowed for the phenomenon of magic to be used by other races that didn’t have the innate ability. The third way for a human to be able use magic is when they come into contact with a celestial body from the Spectral Plane and form a pact with this entity whether it be an Ibeni or Ethera. Ibeni are relatively easier to form pacts with since Ethera sometimes too strong may inflict the person with Possession which is a common illness where they try to control their master’s body treating it as a host. They also tried to institute the means of breeding with these divine entities to allow them to use magic where they’d attempt to emerge to become a demigod, but the effect of immortality and the power of omnipotence did not apply to any of those who tried these methods. The final way, was probably sometimes the cruelest way of them all. This was by far the most forbidden omniscience ever proposed. The very idea caused various races to enforce strict regulation to the point they’d forbid the use of it at all. It also defied the laws that were written in the Universe which made them even more cautious of it. This method is known to many as genetic engineering or else called genetic modification. Codification of the genetic code or structure that makes up the existence of the human is one of the most dangerous ways to apply the ability of magic. Altering it can produce some of the most undesired results if not careful. This omniscience known as Project Regia or also known as Project Ascension and Project Demigod, allowed scientists to implant or even inscribed onto the surface of human flesh or at worse into their interior body those glyphs. At worst they attempted to take the process to the next stage where they forcefully implanted either an Ibeni or Ethera they captured into their subject’s body using the subject as a host for the new divine entity which they tried to control. With the new host serving as a catalyst for the entity, they were able to unlock new standards in magic capability. Those who underwent these procedures were calssified as Regia or considered ascendant humans that some called demigod hoping to match the power of the Ancients and Elian Crusaders. While these creations could never wield actual Elian Ancient Weapons brandished by the holy bloods they had their own special weapon that was called Nethe or a weapon in which these beings could use. Despite their lack of immortality and other features sentient divine entities carried, the beings created from the successful attempts were quite powerful, but the procedures drained their Esir too quickly where many had lifespans shortened by at least 50%. In turn, this means humans have discovered the means of transcendence that would one day provide for a new revolution for the race. Some races found subjecting someone to such cruel methods as a form of torture where they further discredited those who would dare inflict such suffering onto their kind as inhumane and heartless. The largest nation that is known to be comprised of mostly humans is called the Cimmerian Empire. The Cimmeria Empire is the largest society of humans in existence. Some other races are mixed into the Cimmeria Empire due to the fact it wasn’t originally established by humans. Even though it was never originally established by a human, it is most hated by the Mahzoks. They believe the nation is reviving the evils of the former Guardia Kingdom. Other nations formed by the humans other than the largest one the Cimmeria Empire are the Valguard Federation who works in affiliation with the Pangalactic Federation of Terravana. Valguard is far less advanced than the main governing Federation boy and doesn’t even compare to the technology of the main superpowers on Gaea. The Valguard Federation is the closest representation that has evolved from Steamtech unlike the Guardia Kingdom, Rudoria Kingdom, Romantha Empire and other nations that have built their homes on the continent of Holyoke. Mo[/hider] REGIA [hider=Regia]Race/Ethnic: Human/Regia (Glyph, Ibeni or Ethera Implanted) Average Appearance and Characteristics: Humans transcended through genetic science and omniscience into possible demigod like beings that are temporarily immortal. Racial Abilities: Use of magic which varies. Though strong in magical abilities they still paled in comparison to innately powerhouse races such as the Midarians, Salecians, Arkadians and Phaedrians. Life Expectancy: 112-150 years Appearance: Isn't this one pretty obvious? Home Planet: Gaea Magic Systems Used: Varies but are unable to use Psyagonics. Description & History: Regia are genetically modified Humans who have been given the ability to use magic through scientific methods even including the extreme method known as omniscience. One method is a an idea that does not use omniscience to achieve transcendence though does use a cruel method that is known as genetic engineering or genetic modification. This is basically the modification of the genetic code to an extent that it would change the physics humans are capable of by implanting what is called a glyph that has glyphos characters written on it which would allow for humans to develop the innate ability to sense magical essence to be able to use the supernatural power. This also put them at risk with having their body contaminated with magical energy since their body wasn’t used to it which would cause either mutations or even the worst possible result death. Since humans weren’t used to using magic, their body often rejected it and saw magical essence as a foreign entity which it considered a cancer and the body worked hard to rid itself of this essence. Those who suffered from Glyphea which is a disease where the body rejects not only the glyph implanted into their body, but also the magical essence that enters their body allowing them to use magic, had a hard time fighting for survival where the process at best produce very few results if any. This also applied to those who gained the ability via other methods. The other method used omniscience to achieve the possibility of magical potential for humans. They did this by implanting an Ibeni or Ethera forcefully into the specimen’s body to achieve magical potential for the Human body they used. This procedure also produced very few results due to complications caused by the process. It caused mutations to even the death of the individual. All mutations like those who underwent the modification of their genes were all put down. Humans who underwent the genetic modification process are known as Enforcers while those who achieved magical prowess through omniscience were called Invokers. Invokers had the rare ability to summon beings from the Spectral Plane using their Ibeni/Ethera counterpart as a medium for achieving that power. They were considered magically more powerful than the Enforcers though many Invokers weren’t physically as strong as the Enforcers who had to endure the severe and agonizing modification to their own genetic code. This allowed them to be more enduring of pain than most. Invokers unlike the Enforcers, do not have the ability to use magic themselves, but they have traits that put them on a magic level higher than an Enforcer. While they can’t summon magic without their counterpart through either Invocation or Evocation, their magical power exceeded what an Enforcer was capable. If the two worked together, their magical power could at times be described as without limitation or obstacles. The major problem that Invokers faced was Possession or the lost control of their own body toward their counterpart. This happened when the two entities were not compatible with one another. This in turn lead their counterpart to act like a parasite that the body considered a threat where the body would slowly deteriorate until the host died from complications if this was not diagnosed. Invokers suffered severely from short lifespan where they would have to inject themselves with life extending agents so that they may continue to survive. Those under the influence of a Possession often are zombies that are completely emotionless and act on a bloodthirsty instinct. This often interested corrupt governments who used those who survived under the influence of Possession as deadly assassins. Invokers often were incapable of mating since passing their power onto the next generation would make them lose their ability to utilize magic. They risked higher Possession when passing the entity onto the next generation since a weak psyche could easily cause possession. Invokers were capable of being immortal as long as they continued to inject themselves with life extending agents to prevent the Ragna from consuming their body. Enforcers unlike the Invokers were born with the ability to utilize magical ability. Though Enforcers were more prone to deadly diseases one of them being Regyle. This disease feed upon the elemental composition of their body decomposing form the inside out. Those who suffered from this disease died most unpleasant deaths. Most were put out of their misery before they could actually suffer from this disease. The glyph forced onto their body usually has an error in the Glyphos and since codification is complicated in Glyph Magic, it’s very difficult to correct. Since this disease was most unpleasant, many Enforcers became violent savages who delved into criminal activity. Enforcers that mated retained their magical ability and passed their ability while maintaining it themselves onto the next generation. Those born sometimes were said to be stronger than their counterpart. Like the Invokers, they suffered from having their life energy drained and also would have to use life extending agents to continue to live as to prevent Ragna from eating away at their body. Regyle was not a problem for the Believers who had glyphs or runes inscribed on their bodies. Believers like the Enforcers were allowed to use magical power innately, The Believers were at higher risk of dying from a young age since the rune or glyph on their body basically sucked the lifeforce from their body like a succubus/incubus. To avoid their energy from being removed too quickly they’d spray Thurana, a substance found inside Etherium Crystals onto their bodies to prevent the Ragna from consuming their body too quickly. While Regyle was less common with Believers, they suffered from the skin disease known as Skryeaphia, a deadly skin disease that caused many Believers to die at young ages even if they took life extending agents since Ragna consumed their body too quickly for them to prevent the process. Those who suffered from this disease lived no longer from fifteen to twenty years at most. Those who suffer from this disease have blue and purple streaks on their body. Regia were born out of the Cimmerian Empire who was the first to experiment with genetic science and omniscience. This allowed them to create sometimes demigods that were at times even stronger than some innate magic casting races.[/hider] SALECIANS [hider=Salecians]]Race Name: Salecians Average Appearance & Characteristics: Despite their elven like appearance aside from not being birdlike or bearing wings they are quite comparable to humans aside from their Psychommu jewel on top of their forehead which allows them the ability to use Psionics. They are the only natural born Psionic sentient race. They have pointy ears that extend upward instead of outward. This race is capable of being Psygic allowing them the use of Psyagonics. Their life expectancy is all but unpredictable. Racial Abilities: Use of Magic, Natural Psionic, Psygic race, Natural Flight, Psyagonic users, Natural Mind Cloaking. Life Expectancy: Unpredictable. Some have been known to live over a million years. Researchers estimate their lifespan is around 258,000-5,000,000 years. Appearance: Previous Home Planet: Meidar (Destroyed) Home Planet: Meidar II and Salecia Magic Systems Used: Psionics, Psyagonics, Glyph Magic, Elemental Magic, Invocation, Evocation, Spiritual Magic, Holy Magic and Atharva. Description & History: Once a legendary that reigned on Meidar, who were sworn enemies of the Midarian race during the Midarian-Salecian Great War. They like the Midarian race, battled over control of the mysterious mystical entity known as Avernus desiring absolute power and control. Since Avernus was an endless power source of absolute power, they wanted control o’er this powerful object. Later they would soon learn that this being consumed the sinuous energy of their selfish ways and use it against them as a weapon of mass destruction. When they came to this realization, they decided to cooperate with the Midarians where they combined their Psionics with the Midarians Glyph Magic to form the magic known as Psyagonics and those who could utilize this mysterious and complicated are were called Psygics. Psygics were the only people who had the mental capacity and capability to use Psyagonics whereas others either used Psionics or Glyph Magic. Psyagonics wasn’t an art that happened overnight since the glyphos used in the language of Glyph Magic was in ancient prima language which was labeled Deian or the language of the deities. Several Midarian and Salecian scholars had to help the Midarians unravel the mysterious symbols meanings before they translated it into the Sindel language which is easier to understand. A problem still lied that Avernus could read their minds where the Salecians and Midarians spoke to themselves in their mind via using the complicated Sadarian language which they later applied to Psyagonics to make it complicated to use. The art that was used to protect the magic known as Psyagonics was called codification. This omniscience allowed for the races to make the language used in Psyagonics next to near impossible to translate unless you were a Psygic. Unlike they rival race the Midarians, Salecians did not use mimicry which was an art that the Midarians learned from their Mother of Existence called Sigma when Miiarvanthalu was said to come into contact with the almighty goddess. They also learned the art of time control unlike the Salecians when in contact with the race called The Nameless Ones. What sets the Salecians apart from the Midarian race was their ability to adapt to magic easily being able to learn the magic faster than most people. Though Salecians of this caliber were rare they were considered Prodigies of Magical Arts. Siianthaliae’s daughter Xeiyenreisha was one example of this. Her daughter had an insane ability to learn magical abilities at a breakneck pace. She could read a very large thick book in less than an hour. Salecians also had the ability of Augmentation which allowed them to increase their magical powers by magnifying the magical essence in their environment. This was an ability that set the Salecians apart from the Midarians aside from some being born with Finesse allowing them to learn magic at a faster pace than most other Midarians and Salecians. It is said that this race built the Tree of Yggdrasil system of towers scattered throughout the Universe which are now just a series of nonoperational ruins. This system of towers allowed them to stabilize the two magical energies that make up the Universe to make it possible for life to be possible on other once uninhabitable planets. Salecians look quite a bit like elves, but they don’t have the birdlike features the elves have and don’t have wings. This doesn’t mean they can’t fly though. They use their psychological powers to allow themselves temporary flight. They are one of the few races that have the rare ability to fly without needing wings. Their ears are pointy and stick upward instead of outward. They also bare a jewel on their forehead which is called their Psychommu. Their Psychommu makes it near to impossible to read their minds or thoughts. Ever since the destruction of their home planet, Meidar, they have migrated to a new planet called Salecia that they established due to their chain of towers, but also inhabit the energy planet called Meidar II which the Midarians built with their assistance. Both races are now considered friendly allies.[/hider] REPROS [hider=Repros]Race/Ethnic: Repros (Reproduced/Replicated beings through standards that defy proper means.) Average Appearance & Characteristics: Appearance varies. Produced through Repro Magic or omniscience such as genetic reproduction. Persecuted by various religions and races especially if they resemble someone who died. Have the potential to surpass their original. They are easy to train and some develop abilities their original never had. They are very intelligent and have a fast learning span. Racial Abilities: Varies Life Expectancy: Lifespan of selected race is reduced by 50%. Home Planet: Unknown Appearance: Varies Magic Systems Used: Varies, but unable to utilize Psyagonics. Description & History: These are beings born from the forbidden omniscience known as replication or reproduction or the forbidden Atharva known as Repro Magic or Reproduction Magic. Religious sects of any kind have absolutely no respect for these beings as they are seen as anomalies. They are also deemed abominations of their deities. Repros are cloned or replicated through magical science or genetic science, are often born with abilities that pale in comparison to their original. In some cases since they have the mind of children and are easy to train some have surpassed the abilities of their original. Some developed abilities their original wasn’t capable of such as replicated humans having innate magic casting abilities. Others are more intelligent and have a faster learning span than their original. These are rare occasions. Automata cannot be replicated genetic standards since the process is impossible due to Automata being artificially created, but it can be replicated with magic. There are rare instances where the nanomachines can be used to replicate Automata. Some races such as the Phaedrians, Arcadians, Salecians and even Children of the Eclipse are impossible to replicate via any standards aside from magic. Their ability and willingness to learn puts them on a playing of their own. However due to social concerns or public disturbances, they often aren’t welcomed by originals. These beings have no specific planet they are both from and replications of various beings. Many are used for criminal activity or even worst used as assassins. Most don't live longer than their original and actually have their lifespans cut in half due to the fact they were replicated. The origin behind forbidden practices of reproduction is unknown though some scholars point toward Mahzoks as the fathers behind the art since they heavily engrossed themselves in Atharva It is said in ancient texts that the Guardia Kingdom when Talanos de'verge Alansteijan Guardia was in rule that the emergence of cloned or replicated beings came into existence. These particular beings became a hindrance to those who lived in civilized society. Mysterious unexplained deaths were happening and those who died were emerging as reborn which scared those who mourned their loss. To did not have an answer to what was going on other than it was the hand of the devil at work and those who dare perform the art was considered witches and burned at the stake. Various cloned or replicated beings lost their lives due to be hunted by Hunters who were paid to get rid of the nuisance or died as soldiers toward the Guardia Kingdom or those who used them for malpractice. The Guardia Kingdom in ancient times before the dissolution of the Ancient Elven Empire and before the demise of the Valdarian Empire. which was renamed Valdaria after the sudden death of both Prince Valdaria and Finathia's mother Flare, had become tyrannous and evil when Talanos assassinated both King Flambard and Queen Feirana who were his foster parents. Talanos wasn't an actual family member of the Guardia family and was looking for vengeance when Flambard executed his father for treason when he gave away valuable military information to their once enemy known as the Calansta Foundation, an evil religious sect that closely followed their god named Khaos. The one god who is said to bring about the end of all-creation according to the Khaosians. In remembrance of Valdaria, the empire established by both Princess Flare von'freikan Ghalansteio Rystaliuskal and Prince Valdaria Urennea Rosenau of the Lumina Kingdom named after the deity of mortality, switched from the Rystaliuskal Kingdom to the Valdaria Empire where Finathia renamed the famous Rosenflamme Legion the Flare Knights in honor of her mother's name, it allied itself with the Cimmerian Empire to bring down the evil Guardia Kingdom. Like the Cimmerian Empire in ancient times, the Valdarian Kingdom like various other nations that opposed and saw the usage of cloning and replication as the work of the devil and agreed to bring an end to these illegal practices performed by the Guardia Kingdom and the evils of the Bloody King of Hellfire Talanos. Talanos had his legions of magic users he enlisted in his ranks mass produce these beings in an attempt to make biological weapons that he nicknamed "Soldiers of Fortune". While most were hunted before they ever became a problem, others that were discarded by the Guardia military seen as defective were picked up by crime syndicates and used for various devious crimes that ranged from theft all the way to murder or even assassination at worst. According to scholars, Talanos uncovered an ancient forbidden text of Atharva written by the famous necromancer known as the Grim Reaper by many, Nephenthal one of the leaders of The Underworlders Organization and Underground Shadows. This text contained ancient artes that Phenthal performed in ancient times in an attempt to destroy mortal kind. Phenthal, according to various researchers, was the founder of Atharva and Mahzoks were considered the forefathers of the art. Both engaged into a long dispute between each other which would be known as the War of the Trio Powers which were considered the three superpowers back in those times which date back hundreds of years ago. Lumina Kingdom, once considered a superpower had lost a majority of its power due to its corrupt Saterian churches that battled amongst each other for control of the publicity. Due to their influence, the Lumina Kingdom during the war had to be bailed out by both the Cimmerian Empire and the Valdarian Kingdom. It was the existence of replicas and clones other than the Mahzok influence that brought about The Great Trio War otherwise known to many as either Hellfire's Dominion of War or War of the Trio Powers where the two allies managed to subdue the Guardia Kingdom and stain the throne of the Guardia Kingdom with its last King before giving control of the royal nation to the nobility known as the Rudoria family.[/hider] ELVES [hider=Elves]Race Name: Elves Average Appearance & Characteristics: Humanoid race that is a sentient species of Gaea. Evolved from primordial bird life that have the ability to fly. Have pointy ears that extend upward that are either short or tall. Gleaned knowledge of magic from a mysterious unknown race. Founders of Magitech science. Rediscovered summoning otherwise known as Invocation and Evocation. Racial Abilities: Use of magic, Flight. Natural Magic. Summoning, Psionic users. Life Expectancy: 1,000-7,500 years. Appearance: Home Planet: Gaea Magic Systems Used: Nature Magic, Elemental Magic, Psionics, Holy Magic, Glyph Magic, Invocation and Evocation. Description & History: The Elves have taken refuge in a nation that is called the Republic of Sylvanastra after their abandoning of their glorious Magitech cities of the former Ancient Elven Empire that have become ruins now. Due to the Elves and Sylvan’s shared beliefs the society founded the first agnostic religion they called Animism. Both races have established hidden cities using the Nameless Ones methods to hide themselves from other races trying to stay outside the influence of looming threat Humans are getting more and more technologically advanced by the moment and also to prevent the Humans from discovering the legendary technology they discovered in the Forest of Foreordain. To support their love of natural surroundings and to respect the natural balance that the Sylvan want to maintain they cooperated with the Anzier Empire exchanging their Magitech for their Eco-Industrial technology which is more pleasant for the Sylvan being plant-like humanoids. While most of their standards are now Eco-Industrial some have continued to utilize means of Magitech as defense mechanism to ward of invaders. The Forest of Foreordain is a key area where Esir gathers so it may produce what is called a Etherium Crystal. This trait of the forest has lead to it being excavated thoroughly, but also carefully not to upset the balance of Mother Nature. The crystals are traded with various other factions such as establishments that are non-Cimmerian Empire related in the Cimmerian Empire, Knights of Liberty, Anzier Empire and other Human established civilizations on Gaea, some of which that are lower in tech level or just autonomous states that live outside the influence of other larger governments. Etherium Crystals are one of the major exports from the Republic of Sylvanastra. This has even lead to an elven like race known as the Nedre to take refuge within their cities. The cities can differentiate from tree havens to technologically built structures used to house residents. Other major exports from the Elven race range from Chrystantheum, Retsugram, Salbidas and Evermorium. These are key components used in some of the highest levels of technology which Chrystantheum and Evermorium being the most demanded. Chrysantheum also known as energy stone used to power all kinds of ancient devices. It is the Quadratic Key that is essential to the Impulse Drive otherwise the drive that uses the power of the stars for an energy source. Chrysantheum is like a small star contained within a small rock like shell. Chrysantheum is potentially hazardous like Etherium Crystals. Both are used for warp drive cores. Evermorium is a key component to a warp drive that prevents the drive from overheating. It is used in various electronics and consoles as a coolant stone. Salbidas is a material that is used in cloth to make quite smooth, flexible, but vinyl feeling material that is used for military clothing. Retsugram due to its light mass and low density is used as various plating for electronics though not ever used in production of public transportation. Retsugram also is used for means of levitation of devices that aren't connected via any means. The Elves live within the Naturia District of the capital known as Evalain Deusdedit. Naturia is a hornet’s nest for Chrysantheum and Evermorium reserves which is what makes up a vast majority of their GDP. Since it is impossible for other beings to enter since they don’t understand the way the Elves have made the Forest of Foreordain work, it’s very easy for them to get lost or end back up where they started. Some think that the Elves achieved the mystic ability of spatial manipulation which allows them to make the Forest of Foreordain very hard to venture into.[/hider] SYLVAN [hider=Sylvan]Race Name: Sylvan Average Appearance & Characteristics: They are plantlike in appearance though bare humanoid bodies. Their photosynthetic power makes it easy for them to regain their magical powers that are depleted. They breathe carbon dioxide. Only regenerate magical power and self during days of sunlight or presence of light. They can act as a solar generator. Natural born diplomats. Racial Abilities: Breathing carbon dioxide, Drawing power from the sun, rapid self-regenerative abilities during sunlight or presence of light. use of magic. Life Expectancy: 1,500-4,000 years Appearance: Home Planet: Gaea Magic Systems Used: Invocation, Evocation, Glyph Magic, Atharva, Elemental Magic, Psionics, Nature Magic, Holy Magic and Divinity. Description & History: Like their counterpart the Elves, they are also one of the original races of Gaea. Sylvan are a race that evolved from plants. They are basically plant-like creatures that incorporate great diversity, not excluding even a number of humanoid like forms. Like the Elves, they too lived on Gaea before the Second Reckoning of the Harken. Whilst they relied on material food for sustenance like other races, they are also photosynthetic making it easy for them to regain magical energy they lost. This is the only race that has fast recuperating abilities that allows them to gain their magical power back very quickly. Unlike Humans, they do not breathe oxygen, but rather the carbon dioxide that Humans see as a poison just like their relatives of other plants and trees that make up Gaea. Their abilities are greatly enhanced during the daylight hours where the sun bathes down on them as a result so they can gather energy form the sun and store it. But their recuperating ability only works when light is present. It is because they act like solar generators that these special powers can surpass that of a Human making them targets for Humans to use a battery source. They are able to release enormous amounts of energy and can wield magic a lot easier than most other races. They also possess a beauty that is revered by all other races and often they are negotiators being naturally gifted in diplomatic disputes.[/hider] LILIA [hider=Lilia]Race Name: Lilia Average Appearance & Characteristics: Short and fur-covered, bug like, expert craftsmen and improvisers, subterranean dwellers. Racial Abilities: Due to their small size they are hard to find and it's easy for them to hide. Also they are able to blend in with the environment in their surroundings meaning they can camouflage themselves. They are relatively faster than a regular Human and can move quite fast. Some are humanlike relatively small in size such as gnomes and dwarves. Life Expectancy: 32-115 years Appearance: Home Planet: Gaea Magic Systems Used: Alchemy Description & History: The Lilia, are probably the smallest race that has contact with other races in existence. They are also one of the original sentient races of the planet of Gaea. The Lilia worship what they called trickster deities. These deities were actually the Midarian race that was reviewing their planet during their initial emigration. They called these their Trickster Deities and worshipped like divine sentinels that they believed would protect their race. Lilia are no taller than two feet, but in rare occasions some have been known to reach four feet in length. The rarest Lilia are as long as a regular sized male human being. These strange creatures are fur-covered humanoids said to evolve from the prehistoric class known as the arachnids. They are known widely across the world for their unique synergistic craftsmanship, blending technologies borrowed from other races as well as their own original works. Finding it difficult to live amongst the Humans and meta-humans they found other places to live outside their influence. Due to exploitations of their diminutive size and their bug-like appearance, most Lilia retreated out of the reach of humans. A vast majority of the Lilia race now resides in underground habitats outside the society of humans and their sectors dealing with people of the surface world through liaisons. Quite a few live in the sewers and aqueducts of the Cimmerian and Anzier Empire. Large numbers also have found ideological brethren in the castaways of society collaborating with them to build under-city amongst certain nation’s abandoned aqueduct system. Most are now found in frigid regions where lots of snow tends to be accumulated. Your dwarves, gnomes, ect. would fall under here.[/hider] ALPHA AUTOMATA [hider=Automata] (Alpha)]Race Name: Automata (Type Alpha) Average Appearance & Characteristics: Mechanical, protective, appearance varies, followers by nature. Racial Abilities: Since they are remnants of regular machines and machines with minds of their own they often resemble machines in many ways, but retain minds of their own. They like machines can have all kinds of strange contraptions or attachments that they can use to their own benefit. Life Expectancy: Unknown Previous Home Planet: Arkaya (Destroyed) Home Planet: Gaea Appearance: Magic Systems Used: Alchemy, Elemental Magic, Psionics Description & History: The Automata are a race of sentient machines manufactured by the Phaedrians over thousands of years ago to serve numerous anonymous functions throughout their highly advanced society. However, when the Great Collapse occurred and the Phaedrians disappeared without a trace, the Automata lost their original purpose and had to create their own resolve afterwards. After the destruction of Arkaya, many migrated to Gaea to find a life anew. Even though their original purpose was longer possible, the disappearance of their creators instilled in them the desire to preserve life and culture, and to that avail they have become stewards and protectors of many civilizations, serving as laborers, protectors, servants and even record keepers recording certain historical events and facts into the history books of other races. Automata vary greatly in size, shape and even complexity. In easier words, these are where your cyborgs, androids or machine-type beings fall under.[/hider] MACHUNA [hider=Machuna]Race/Ethnic: Human (Machuna) Average Appearance & Characteristics: Human like, metal and robotic limbs and extremities. Racial Abilities: Metallic like humanoids who act like androids and cyborgs, but due to the fact their body is mostly human they retain their human like form. They are known to have hidden weaponry, contraptions and attachments and often were hired to be assassins for hire. Life Expectancy: 250-418 years. Appearance: Home Planet: Gaea Magic Systems Used: Alchemy, Spiritual Magic. Description & History: These are humans who have modified their limbs with attachments or have been injected with liquid metal or steel to make their bones super hard. They tend to have hidden contraptions inside their body which can come out at will such as hidden weaponry or defense mechanisms. These humanoids can survive falls and even jump down from higher than any normal human could ever do. Those who undergo the procedure to become a Machuna do not have their emotions affected. The procedure is quite painful and can at times over time lead to cancerous diseases. After the end of the War of the Trio Powers and the death of Talanos, the Guardia Kingdom was dissolved and the remaining members of the Guardia family who weren't involved in the war were put in protective custody in refuges they were isolated in. This happened right after Valdaria formed the Pangaea Order in an attempt to restore order to the planet Gaea and to prevent another instance of what happened during the Guardia Kingdom's reign. Challance Valar, the emperor of Cimmeria had agreed to work in collaboration with Princess Finathia and Prince Azmaldus and work with them to support the Pangaea Order's cause to prevent other nations from abusing their power forming a planetary like united nations with what nations were left of the world. Relations between Cimmeria and Valdaria deteriorated quickly when Challance Valar's son Sebastian was assassinated by many who say was his other son and Sebastian's brother Ezerghal. Emperor Ezerghal had become infatuated with advance technology and demanded his military in agreement with Anzalath who formed Anzalath Corporation to study both elven Magitech and also to discover the means of what made Ether-Tech tick. Due to the religious sects instability in the Cimmeria Empire, the assassination plot on Sebastian was easy when he sent his militia to deal with the terrorists where they worked in conjunction with his evil brother to remove him from power and oust him. His death though was blamed on the Valdarian Kingdom in who the Cimmerian Empire declared war on. Machuna, or humans that have been injected with substances that are metallic, were used as not only assassins to eliminate the ambassadors of Valdaria and the Pangaea Order, but also to exterminate both the Emperor and Empress in power and to capture their daughter Melianth who they discovered was a mysterious child. Ezerghal had determined that Finathia, like Flare before her was a Child of the Eclipse born with a strange power that rivaled the might of the nation. He thought if he used her power as a biological weapon that he could dominate the entire world. A surprise attack on the Valdaria Kingdom capital Reianalzat, would lead to the fall and eventual destruction of the Valdarian Empire. The Eclipse Princess who was said to be the one who destroyed the empire with her power disappeared without a trace. The remaining forces of the Valdarian Army were easily overrun by the Machuna that were used by the Cimmerian Empire. The Machuna were just one of the supernatural biological weapons issued by the Cimmerian Empire. Several years after the collapse of Valdaria, various nations including the Lumina Kingdom, the newly formed Rudoria Kingdom, the former Xeivanthestran Empire, Pangaea Order and the newly formed Knights of Liberty formed an alliance to destroy the evil Cimmerian Empire. Through years of battles and struggles they managed to subdue the empire and dissolve many of the evil factions formed by the nation including The Nemesis and Anzalath Corporation. Both Emperor Ezerghal and Chancellor Anzalath were executed by the Knights of Liberty charged with high treason against Gaea when they helped a man named Reishin attempt to destroy the Gaelan planet in his vengeance against Humans over the deaths of his parents. The remaining Machuna who weren't executed since they couldn't be converted were either put in refuges such as the Crimson Fang and Knights of Liberty or banished to the Land of The Exiled which is north of the Cimmerian Empire deep within the Asparian Mountains near the north pole of Gaea. Due to its treacherous nature and icy landscape, it is hard for any being to travel to where the Machuna reside.[/hider] HUMENI [hider=Humei]Race Name: Humeni Average Appearance & Characteristics: Appearance changes. Racial Abilities: Shapeshifting and ability to grow. Life Expectancy: 268-536 years Home Planet: Gaea Magic Systems Used: Invocation, Evocation, Elemental Magic, Glyph Magic, Spiritual Magic, Holy Magic, Atharva. Description & History: Humeni or humanoid Ibeni with human blood and properties often called the child form of a demigod, are a being that was created through mating a mortal with an entity of the Spectral Plane. The most common form of mating is with a Human though they have been known to mate with stronger races which would give them a stronger state as they cross into the power of demigod. Unlike the other powerful Ethera, Humeni have the ability to grow due to being half mortal and immortal in nature. They are often called “demnity” or “child-like god”. Since they are only half god, they can die from normal causes like any other being aside from illness. These Ibeni both develop abilities from their Ethera and Human counterpart. The Ibeni depending on which parents’ side abilities they obtain can be quite powerful in rare cases though are usually very weak to only be a halfbreed. But their ability to allow them to grow sets them apart from other Ibeni and Ethera. Though they are born as human-like in form, they’ve been known to take different forms like Midarians being called shapeshifters. Grown ones evolve into what is called a Humetha or a humanoid Ethera.[/hider] HUMETHA [hider=Humetha]Race Name: Humetha Average Appearance & Characteristics: Racial Abilities: Shapeshift and ability to grow. Life Expectancy: 4,000-17,650 years. Appearance: Home Planet: Gaea Magic Systems Used: Invocation, Evocation, Elemental Magic, Glyph Magic, Spiritual Magic, Holy Magic, Atharva. Description & History: Humeni that have become an adult become what is called a Humetha or a humanoid like Ethera that has fully matured. They aren’t incredibly powerful like most Ethera, but have the ability not only to shapeshift like their predecessors, but also the ability to grow which have earned them the nickname “demigod” or half mortal and half immortal. In rare occasions if they grow properly and are trained correctly while in child form can they reach a higher omnipotence. These demigods unlike other Ethera still can grow unlike regular Ethera since once they reach adult form, their growth starts to stagger and eventually quits completely.[/hider] VAMPIRES [hider=Vampires]Race Name: Vampires Average Appearance & Characteristics: Supernatural strength, users of dark arts and drinkers of their prey's blood. Racial Abilities: The ability to convert another race to their kind, regenerative powers, ability to fly in bat form and supernatural strength and abilities. Life Expectancy: 124-185 years Appearance: Home Planet: Trylsavana Magic Systems Used: Elemental Magic, Glyph Magic, Spiritual Magic, Atharva. Description & History: Vampires unlike Vompyres feed on other race’s blood rather than their emotions. They are the only race with the ability to convert other races to what they are. Human blood is the most common blood they feed upon using it as a nutrient toward their survival. Vampires have both supernatural strength and powerful abilities that exceed what a normal Human is capable of. They cannot eat regular food since it is poisonous and will make them sick. Most live on Trylsvana with their cult leader Drausius otherwise known as King of the Vampires. Drausius family established the Vampire nation known as the Kingdom of Bathorium with the castle being located in the Bavarian Depression called Vladimir. They are sworn enemies of both the Werewolves and Vompyres and have been a long power struggle that dates over five thousand years. The forty-four thousand year treaty was broken between the two races when they mated amongst each other which was considered a black omen and forbidden. The major mating between the races is when Princess Corselia of Bathorium and Prince Thargonthe of Avethelia fell in love with each other and attempted to marry where both were allowed to be bathed in the sun where they were executed. The ally companionship between the two was forever broken and the trio destroyed each other for power. The Werewolves considered the marriage a disgrace to their treaty and also broke alliance with both factions. These beings are shapeshifters though can only take the form of a bat. In their bat form, they are given the ability to fly where they can move from place to place with ease. Like Vompyres these beings are only able to prowl at night and sleep during the day unless they mated with a being that isn’t harmed by light exposure. The UV rays given off by solar energy is quite harmful to their skin due to its divine nature which causes it to melt away. They have powerful regenerative abilities where they can slowly regain limbs that are lost as long as the brain remains intact. As for their skin being exposed to light, it doesn’t rapidly burn away and takes some time before it burns all the way to the bone. Even though this is true, they avoid any form of sunlight that becomes visible.[/hider] JOTUNNS [hider=Jotunns]Race Name: Jotunns Average Appearance & Characteristics: Large in size, nomads, merchants. Racial Abilities: Supernatural Strength. Life Expectancy: 325-520 years. Home Planet: Gaea Appearance: Magic Systems Used: Alchemy, Spiritual Magic Description & History: The Jotunns are a species of giants and titans that according to ancient texts evolved from Gaelanius which is a form of special mountain stone on Gaea where Esir particles have been known to have gathered, giving life sometimes to inorganic matter. Some look like Humans while others retained their rocky form resembling what are called golems. During the Age of the Phaedrians, they were persecuted for their supernatural strength and seen as brigands and brutes who threatened to level society as bandits and thieves. Due to their uneducated nature, they were used as servants by the Harken who used propaganda to get their aid. Many saw their supernatural strength as a “threat to prosperity” and due to their alliance with the Harken during the civlization’s last stand, they were often hunted. During the hunts for them, several of them were killed off and what was left of the race was driven into hiding never to return to their homelands or show their faces in society. Currently, they thrive in several confederated cities scattered across the world and are allies with the Lilia who have underground havens and share their resources with the Jotunns. The largest of these cities they built is the capital of the entire race called Jotunheim. The locations of the cities, capitals and refugees are unknown to this date. Occasionally Jotuns appear amongst the mainstream populous to offer unique cutting edge technologies to the highest bidder in secret. They usually only remain around for a short period of time since their appearance sticks out like a sore thumb and can cause unrest amongst those in public.[/hider]