[center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Rose%20Louvel%20&name=Caribbean.ttf&size=60&style_color=ed145b[/img] [img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-atCYP9WAZpM/VU5dm5VyWiI/AAAAAAAAqC0/qZ_O_SBrCW0/w506-h750/THAT%2BSMALL%2BVOICE%2BINSIDE%2BOF%2BYOU.gif[/img] [h2][color=ed145b]Present Day ~Fairy Tale World, Tortuga [/color][/h2][/center] [color=ed145b]Sprinting through the populated street, Rose’s luscious red cape shot out from behind her in the exceptionally strong wind. She didn’t dare take the moment to look back as a husky, rather agile for his age, old man hurried after her. Damn, she’d been careless. Assuming the pirate had been drunk was simply naive of her but his hefty pouch was more than enough to keep her going. Pickpocketing Pirates had become Rose’s career and the only way for her to get money. Normally, she didn’t get caught but in assuming the man was drunk, she had ignored normal precautions. Biting her tongue from sending a wave of curses, Rose continued down the street. There was no one who knew the streets of Tortuga better than her, she had spent almost all of her life living alone here. Several sets of glares shot towards her but no one attempted to stop either Rose or the old Pirate. There seemed to be numerous amounts of chases and fights in the streets each day, anyone who played hero would find themselves either dead or too tired to keep up. Although, Rose did try to help whenever she could. Most of this included small things like stealing from Pirates for anything bigger would attract unwanted attention and Rose wasn’t sure she could continue defying the Dark Queen anywhere except Tortuga. “Oy, Seadog, Keep up!” She called out behind her, letting a smirk cover her face. Seadog was a term referring to old Pirates, a rather insulting choice of words. One had to be careful when using it, although Rose tended to use it more than she probably should. What could she say? Insulting a disgusting Pirate was just far too tempting. Anyone who pledged allegiance to the Dark Queen was an enemy to Rose. She had lost everything and everyone because of her, her family, her friends, her home… Perhaps someday she could create a rebellion that could penetrate the evil touch the Dark Queen. Although Rose had no memory of her previous life, she only knew it was much better than it was now. Sighing, she focused on the task at hand. Apparently the Seadog was too determined to stop chasing after her, Rose would have to ditch him quickly. She quickened her pace until she came across a basket full of chickens. Laughing on the inside, Rose spilled the basket on the ground and a hoard of chickens was unleashed upon the street. It was enough of a distraction for Rose to sneak down an alleyway and eventually make her way a more darker part of town. She slowed to a nice, easy walk to catch her breath. Not wanting attention, Rose kept her head to the ground and pulled her hood up over her head. While running away from a Pirate was one thing, catching the attention of someone who could probably throw her like a doll, was not on her list for the afternoon. Rose walked for another ten minutes to make sure no one was following her before she made her way back to the apartment. It was a little small and full of sad memories, but it was all she had. Saidi had owned the place before she passed away… Once Rose and her brother had lived here together too. Anything happy in Rose’s life never seemed to stay long it seemed. Rose had wanted to leave the place at first but there simply was nowhere else to go. It was a one bedroom apartment, although one could argue the bedroom was the size of a bathroom. Saidi had never cared though, one of her gender and age was content with what she had. Most Pirates didn’t have their own home, instead living in the ships they worked on. The living room was a bit bigger, including a simple kitchen near the one window, which Rose kept closed at all times. She would take no risk in being caught. Spread across the middle of the room sat a medium sized rug with a map leading toward a treasure of some kind decorating it. Two coaches with red fabric were on top of it. Saidi had always loved the rug, giving threats of punishment should they spill anything on it. She never told them why though, although Rose figured it was probably a map from back in her day. Of course, there was no way to be certain. Sighing, Rose took a seat on one of the plump coaches. Pulling out the heavy bag of coins, Rose decided to finger through her earnings for the day. 260 coins was impressive for one day’s earnings, even for her. No wonder the Seadog had been relentless. He had been a fool for dragging around so much in broad daylight, he was bound be to pick pocketed by someone. As Rose’s fingers touched the bottom of the bag, it wasn’t a golden coin she found but rather was goldish [url=http://orig15.deviantart.net/6bfc/f/2011/104/4/2/pirate_ring_by_joelunchbox-d3e0ftw.jpg]ring[/url] with designs indented along the outer side and topped with a dark blue gem. “Hmm.. This must be the real reason why it was so valuable to him. I wonder how important this ring is? Perhaps I could sell it for a good amount?” She thought to herself, curious at her new discovery. Why would a Pirate being carrying around a ring such as the one she now held in her hand? It was a bit odd, even for her taste. Deciding to go the black market the very next day, Rose slipped the ring over her finger and readied herself for chores. Saidi might not be there to constantly order her to clean, but Rose still wished the house to look relatively nice, if only to honor her guardian. [/color]