Lost my old set in the wipe :( I guess this is a good time to get a new set! And you seem to be the person to do it! Request Type: Standard Set Size: Max! or as large as artistically required. Resolution: n/a Images: [url=http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/064/c/0/black_library__soul_drinkers_omnibus__1_by_ukitakumuki-d5x40v0.jpg]here[/url] Text: "Cold and Fast, Soul Drinkers!" just like that, minus the quotes, can be divided up if artistically necessary Theme: gritty and ott Other Info: no rush on this one, take your time. and if you could focus more on the right side of the image, that'd be great, throw in some blood splatters and brain matter *shrugs* I dunno, you're the artist, and you look to be pretty good at this stuff. I appreciate the effort, regardless.