[center][h1][color=ed1c24]James Spinne[/color][/h1] [img]https://67.media.tumblr.com/b5b504803dc205c9727e0a457db18830/tumblr_o5qa7u9Yma1v8hcteo1_500.gif[/img] [b][u]Location:[/u][/b] Dorm Room → Outside [b][u]Interacting With;[/u][/b] Brenna via creepy-ass dream | Milo via yelling - [@Angel Eyes] | Carmen via text [@AbandonedIntel] [b][u]Mood;[/u][/b] Exhausted → Happy → Exhilarated[/center] James Spinne couldn't help but grin as he ran his fingers through Brenna Lancaster's hair. It was so incredibly soft and fluffy as he twirled a strand around his fingers. Spinne's other hand lightly touched the woman's arm as he ran it back and forth over her porcelain skin. Just looking at her brought lightning shooting through his veins. He'd convinced himself that she was the most beautiful woman on the face of the planet. (That wasn't very difficult, by the way.) She smiled back, life dancing in her hazel eyes. One of her slim arms was wrapped around James' waist, with the other resting on his chest. Goosebumps formed wherever her freezing hands made contact with his skin. [color=ed1c24]"I am the luckiest man alive."[/color] He whispered. Brenna inched closer, tilting her head to the left seductively. "Yes you are." She teased, her voice just as quiet as his. James leaned in, his heart pounding rapidly in his chest. He was close enough to feel the cold radiating from her lips. A shiver of pleasure ran down his spine as the two began to kiss- [b]*BZZT*[/b] Brenna broke it off first. "Are you going to get that?" She asked, annoyed. James offered an apologetic smile. [color=ed1c24]"It'll be fine."[/color] He reassured her and moved back in. [b]*BZZT*[/b] The Ice Queen placed a finger to Arachnid's lips. "Get your phone." She ordered. James groaned as he rolled onto his other side and faced the nightstand. He reached out for his smartphone. His finger tips dashed against the object, pushing it away. He scooched a little ways further, swiping at the object. He just needed to get a little closer...[b]*BZZT*[/b] The phone went off again, causing both Brenna and James to grunt in frustration. Absolutely done with the stupid piece of technology, James lifted his butt off the bed and moved off just a little too far to the right. [b][i]THUMP[/i][/b] James groaned in pain. [color=ed1c24]"Ow."[/color] His eyes fluttered open, greeted by the sight of his dorm room floor. He struggled to move, trapped in his blanket. He eventually got an arm free and grabbed for his cellphone. He pulled the object down to his level and turned it on. [color=ed1c24]"AHHH!"[/color] The phone's light was on full power and successfully blinded the poor teenager. "I hate this." He muttered. James glanced at the thing for several seconds, wondering why it had went off. He didn't see any notifications. No calls...No texts. Come to think of it, his phone never made that soun- [b]*BZZT*[/b] [color=ed1c24]"Son of a bitch."[/color] That was Milo's phone, he realized. "Miiiilooo." James groaned in frustration, his voice muffled by the floor. It was way too early in the morning to be dealing with this shit. [b]*BZZT*[/b] [color=ed1c24]"MILO!"[/color] James brought his head up off the ground and was greeted by the sun's warm rays hitting him right in the face, blinding him for a second time in less than five minutes. [color=ed1c24]"Damn it!"[/color] James, totally sick of this now, shot a string of webbing into the sleeping Asian's face. [color=ed1c24]"GET YOUR DAMN PHONE, BRO."[/color] He screamed. "SHUT UP." Someone called from down the hall. [color=ed1c24]"Sorrryyy!"[/color] James responded, just as loudly. Knowing he couldn't fall back asleep after that mess, James forced himself to stand. He haphazardly tossed all of his stuff back onto his bed. Grabbing his backpack, James exited the dorm room and jogged over to the public bathroom. He took a second to freshen up before changing into a pair of ripped jeans, a basic red T-shirt and a dark hoodie adorned with a black widow's hourglass. [color=ed1c24]"Tch."[/color] James snapped his fingers and pointed at himself in the mirror. [color=ed1c24]"You are one sexy, sexy man."[/color] James made his way back out of the bathroom and toward the exit. He stopped at the stairs on his way. [color=ed1c24][i]I wonder[/i][/color]...He thought to himself. Spider-boy whipped out his smartphone and shot Carmen a quick text: [color=ed1c24]"hey chica. doing anything today? oh, and is Brenna up yet?"[/color] A moment passed and there was no reply. She was probably already out and about. A frown crossed James' face as he moved over to the kitchenette. He poured two bowls of frosted flakes, as well as a cup of orange juice. He grabbed a tray out of one of the cabinets and made his way up the stairs. He stopped at the second floor, searching for a particular room. Once he spotted it, Spinne jogged over and knocked quietly. When no one responded, he pushed on it as lightly as he could. Upon spotting Lancaster inside, James quietly closed the door and suspended the tray from the ceiling via webbing. [i][color=ed1c24]Perfect.[/color][/i] The spider didn't admire his work for too long before he made his way to the nearest window. He slid the glass up and perched himself on the edge. James placed his ear buds in his...ears...and flipped his music on. [i]"Standing in the hall of fame..."[/i] Arachnid jumped. A web fired out of the spinneret on his wrist at hundreds of miles an hour, attaching to a nearby building. James smiled from ear to ear as he soared through the sky. He loved this. [i]"And the world's gonna know your name..."[/i] [color=ed1c24]"Hell yeah they will. WOOOO!"[/color] [hr] [center][h1][color=silver]Jessica Sterling[/color][/h1] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/xqceHlWTh7kUE/giphy.gif[/img] [b][u]Location;[/u][/b] Bathroom → Outside → Control Room [b][u]Interacting With;[/u][/b] Harold via nervous greeting [@beefydork] [b][u]Mood;[/u][/b] Terrified → Better [/center] Hot water washed over Jessica's impervious skin. The shower was set to maximum, yet she could barely feel it. It was quite early in the morning and she'd been at the Control Room all last night. A feeling of drowsiness washed over the young woman. Jess closed her eyes, her thoughts drifting as she began to doze off. She was immediately greeted by the sight of a man in a black trench coat standing in the middle of her burning living room. The air smelled of ash and blood. The figure turned toward her, his face hidden behind a wall of smoke. He began to walk toward her, his massive frame towering over the terrified Jessica. A feeling of dread overwhelmed Jess as she tried to move away from the approaching silhouette. The movement brought her elbow colliding with the shampoo. The bottle hit the floor with a crash; the sound of it jolted Jess awake. She bent down to pick up the fallen item, her handing shaking as she placed it back on the shelf. [i][color=silver]Calm down.[/color][/i] She ordered herself. Jessica's knees felt weak. Like she could collapse any minute now. [color=silver]"Bulletproof...Nothing to lose.. fire away, fire away."[/color] Jess sang softly, her voice quieter than a whisper. The girl took a deep breath. Her hand was still no She quickly washed up, not seeing a point in staying in there for longer than necessary. She dried herself off with a towel and slipped her clothes back on. Sighing, Sterling adjusted her favorite black jacket, grey long sleeve shirt and plain dark capris. They weren't very elegant but they got the job done. [color=silver][i]No classes today...great. What am I supposed to do with myself now?[/i][/color] She groaned internally. Today was not a good day; not that she'd had many of those in the past year. She dreaded waking up in the morning and having to be someone she was not. All of this isolation and restraint was progressively driving Jessica Sterling insane. Maybe she needed a day off. But what was she going to do?[color=silver][i] Maybe Ellie and I- Nah. She has better things to do.[/i][/color] Jess slipped into a pair of generic sneakers and made her way out of the restroom. She stopped to take one of Sam's muffins. [color=silver][i]Mmm. That girl can bake.[/i][/color] With that small bit of a pick-me-up in her stomach, Jess waltzed out of the dorms, past Samantha and made a beeline for the Control Room. It was a quick run from Mayweather Old East to the Control Room. Jess didn't bother greeting any of the other students on her way. She had places to be. Not that she spoke to any of them anyway. Invincible pulled open the front door and stepped into the Control Room's lobby, looking around the room. It was relatively empty; there was only one other person there. Upon further examination, Jess recognized that it was Harold. Knowing that this day couldn't get any worse, she decided to greet him. [color=silver]"Morning, Harold."[/color