[center][h1][color=black]Klaus Van Untergang[/color][/h1] [img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-LSJf2KFbxQE/TiF3Pac00ZI/AAAAAAAADAs/GjnXuCnwCc4/s1600/Schindler%2527s+List+4.jpg[/img] [b][u]Location;[/u][/b]Garden [b][u]Interacting With;[/u][/b] No one [b][u]Mood;[/u][/b]Happy → Angry → Sadistic[/center] [hr] Klaus sat on one of the garden's many benches, surrounded by his closest allies. His inner circle, as it were. They were seated in a small out cove, a distance away from the more populated sections of the park. [color=black][b]"...And then she fell to her knees and begged me to stop!"[/b][/color] The group burst out in a fit of laughter. Van Untergang was sharing the tale of his recent encounter with one of the Mayweather students who had taken it upon herself to confront Klaus for his wrong doing. Needless to say, it didn't end well for the poor girl. Übermensch adjusted his white button up shirt's collar and the adjoining red tie, a smirk forming on his pink lips. Thankfully, it wasn't too hot out today; which made dressing in formal wear far more bearable. And based on the clouds, they wouldn't have to worry about rain any time soon. Unless, of course, [i]Samantha[/i] decided to change that. Ugh. That woman's outlook on life was disgustingly bright. It made Klaus physically ill to see her dancing in the flowers like she was in a Disney movie. "Good work as always, sir." One of Klaus's favorite minions, Clark, said. "You're an inspiration to us all!" Dawn chuckled. Clark and Dawn were an interesting duo. They were brother and sister, orphaned at a young age. Klaus had gathered that their mother had some sort of ability, but she hid it from everyone; even her family. At some point her husband found out and proceeded to murder her with a kitchen knife, claiming she was 'a demon from hell.' Clark and Dawn put the beast down and ran away to Delphina. Convincing them to join his dark crusade had been extraordinarily easy. Klaus offered a slight bow in their direction and turned to address the rest of the group, seven in total (not counting Klaus.) [color=black][b]"Now, how did the week's recruitment drive go? Any newcomers?"[/b][/color] Chike removed a tablet from his backpack, adjusting his glasses as he checked the data. His ebony fingers moved across the screen with all the finesse and speed of a seasoned technician. "We have two awaiting initiation and a third possible, sir." The man reported after a moment. Klaus nodded a few times, placing his hands behind his back as he began to pace back and forth. [color=black][b]"We are gathering men rather quickly. I'm proud of you all, truly. Now, let us-"[/b][/color] The nazi's speech was cut off by an unfamiliar sound and a rush of air. The gathering turned to face the source of the interruption. Five strangers stood in a quickly dissipating purple mist, each looking decidedly pissed off. The one in the front, a young gentleman with red glowing eyes, took a step forward to speak. "What did you do to my angel?" He growled. Klaus raised an eyebrow at that. [color=black][b]"Pardon me, but I've done quite a lot of things to quite a lot of people. You'll need to be more specific."[/b][/color] The man's eyes shone brighter as his face contorted out of rage. "Jemma. Jemma Watts? The telepath you put in the hospital?!" He practically screamed. Van Untergang looked at him, searching for the name in his mind. When it finally clicked, he gave the man a wicked smile. [color=black][b]"Ah, yes! Gem! I remember her now."[/b][/color] He chuckled menacingly. [color=black][b]"She's got quite the scream."[/b][/color] Red-Eye swung his arm around, aiming a wild haymaker at Klaus's face. "You bastard! I'll kill you!" Klaus took a casual step to the side and dodged the blow completely. Before the attacker could move to defend himself, Untergang struck him in the ribs with a powerful right hook. "Ballista!" One of the heroes cried. She pushed past her allies and stuck a hand out to catch this 'Ballista' to keep him from falling. [color=black][b]"Pathetic."[/b][/color] Klaus spat. The shortest of the bunch moved to the front, a knife in each hand. "I'll cut ya to pieces, bub." The brute charged forward. His speed was incredible as he ran the blades across Klaus's back before he could properly react. Übermensch spun around to face the hairy little dwarf, smashing into the side of the guy's head with a crushing heel kick. "Boss?!" Dawn asked, her voice breaking in panic. [color=black][b]"I'll handle this!"[/b][/color] He barked back. The rest of the heroes tried to move forward to engage but suddenly found themselves hesitant to do so. [color=black][b]"Enough."[/b][/color] Klaus whispered. Each of the aggressors slowly fell onto their knees, one by one. The only one who remained standing was the one called Ballista. "W-what are you doing to us?" There was fear in his voice. Good. Let them be afraid. [color=black][b]"Simple. I'm putting you where you belong. [i]On your knees!"[/i][/b][/color] Van Untergang pointed at Ballista and focused his powers on the struggling hero. "You don't scare us!" One of them shouted. Klaus merely chuckled.[color=black][b]"You think yourselves brave. But I can taste the fear; it rolls off of you in waves."[/b][/color] The leader of the team looked up at Klaus, hatred in his eyes. "If I were scared of you...I wouldn't have come here." Klaus laughed once more. [color=black][b]"You mistake your confidence for courage, boy! You came here thinking yourselves better than me. You thought you would destroy me, yes? That is confidence. Trusting yourself to achieve victory. Courage only comes when defeat is certain, yet you fight anyway..[/b][/color] [color=black][b]"You were fools to come here. And now you will pay the price..."[/b][/color] Klaus slowly turned his hand over, sweat dripping down his forehead. A scream of utter terror echoed through the empty garden. [hr] [center][h1][color=ed1c24]James Spinne[/color][/h1] [img]http://data.whicdn.com/images/74971653/large.gif[/img] [b][u]Location;[/u][/b] Outside → Near Mayweather Old West [b][u]Interacting With;[/u][/b] Brenna via text | Carmen via text | [b][u]Mood;[/u][/b]Exhilarated → Bored [/center] [hr] [color=ed1c24]"YEEEEEHAAYYYY!"[/color] James yelled at the top of his lungs. He disconnected from his current strand of webbing and fired another using his other hand. The sticky substance attached to a rather large tree, wrapping itself around one its branches. Spider-boy swung past a group of Mayweather girls, his sheer speed whipping up enough wind to send skirts flying. He snickered at the barrage of curses that followed. When he reached the highest point of his current swing, James snapped off the web and flipped backwards. [color=ed1c24]"I'm on top of the wooorld!"[/color] He fired off another web just as he spun back into his original position and continued swinging. This would never get old. Seriously, was there a better feeling than soaring through the air like a bird? Or maybe a plane.. Whatever the case. It was an amazing feeling.[color=ed1c24] "Spectacular, spectacular Spider-Man~"[/color] The young villain sang to himself as he flew about the Mayweather campus without a care in the world. From the looks of things, he'd be passing the Mayweather Old West dormitory soon. That was Lucas's dormitory! James idly wondered if his friend was still there. Down below, Spinne noticed a girl in what looked like a sun dress booking it toward the dorm. [color=ed1c24]"What's the hurry?!"[/color] James shouted down at the figure; she didn't respond, which meant she probably didn't hear him anyway. [color=ed1c24][i]Oh well.[/i][/color] He shrugged internally. He swung on past the dorm, trying to find a decent place to land. The ground or one of the roofs would be the most logical spots. Buuuutt James liked a challenge. His search proved successful when one of the school's flag poles came into view. Archanid fired off another web at the pole, attaching it directly to the top. He shot past the metal object and was carried high into the air. Again he waited until he'd reached the highest possible point before disconnecting the web. James preformed two consecutive flips before landing on top of the pole. [color=ed1c24]"Style points! Booyah!"[/color] He shouted to no one in particular. After making his his feet were properly gripped to the tiny steel object below him, James took his phone from his pocket and checked his messages. Both Carmen and Brenna had replied! Sweet! It looked like Chica had run off with one of her friends to that old firing range she'd found. That place was pretty rad. Strange and totally out of place, but rad all the same. And it Brenna liked the breakfast he'd left her. Woo! Mission accomplished. He fired off a pair of texts to the two of them: [quote]To: [color=powderblue]Elsa [/color] my pleasure. you doing anything today? im so boooored.[/quote] [quote]To: [color=00aeef]Chica[/color] lol. have fun with that. you actually want me to [i]talk[/i] to her?! and i thought i was crazy. but nah, she got my present. see u around later?[/quote] [hr] [center][h1][color=silver]Jessica Sterling[/color][/h1] [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/98bfb38df0ad02f6995326773e8dd50d/tumblr_mu3ol57IrA1qd67a3o1_500.gif[/img] [b][u]Location;[/u][/b] Control Room [b][u]Interacting With;[/u][/b] Harold | Jackson [b][u]Mood;[/u][/b]Awkward → Calm [/center] No one wanted to be here. That much was obvious; and a little expected, given the trio of people in the room. What Jessica didn't expect, however, was the compliment. [i][color=silver]Harold...said something..nice? About me? Who are you and what did you do with Harry?![/color][/i] A brief look of surprise appeared on Sterling's face. She was able to get a handle on the feeling quickly and return the smile. [color=silver]"Uhh, thanks."[/color] She replied dumbly. [color=silver][i]Ugh. Why is this so hard? I used to be good at this! Just..talk to them. Form words with your mouth, Jess.[/i][/color] She urged herself to continue, despite her reservations with contacting other human beings. The situation became even more awkward as Harold started to...what was he doing, exactly? For the life of her, Jess couldn't tell. But it looked like he was trying to back away? [color=silver][i]Damn. This isn't going well at all. Maybe I'll come back later. Yeah. That sounds like a good idea. But how do I bow outta here without looking like a complete douche?[/i][/color] Luckily for both Harold and Jessica, Jackson seemed at least mildly competent at small talk. He answered Harry's inquiry about the weather, taking a jab at her roommate at the same time. She grinned at that. Jess held no ill will toward Sam but she had a weakness for 'Mother Hurricane' jokes. Hunt's next question, however, provided her with something she could [i]actually[/i] work with. [color=silver][i]Thank you, Jack.[/i]"Oh, I come here all the time. The Control Room is like, my second home."[/color] She gave a short chuckle. [color=silver]"And what brings you to the control room, Hunt? I imagine there are a hundred different things you'd rather be doing than [i]torturing[/i] yourself working ou-"[/color] Jessica stuttered over the last word, noticing that Jackson had gone from right in front of her to sitting down nearby. [color=silver]"God, that is so cool."[/color] She muttered. [color=silver]"Uh, why don't we head inside? We can finish this while we're- unless you don't want to. Keep talking, I mean. We don't have to. Not that I don't enjoy this, but-"[/color] Sterling stopped herself with a sigh. She turned on a heel and pushed through the doors and into the main room. Invincible looked over her shoulder at the boys. [color=silver]"You coming?"[/color]