[hider=Eric Vance][center][img]http://pre05.deviantart.net/0edc/th/pre/i/2015/070/d/5/post_apocalyptic_dude_by_mobocanario-d8lc54x.jpg[/img][/center] Normally Eric wears button down shirts, blue jeans, a belt and his lucky red ULL hat when he isn't in survival mode. He has dark brown hair, a trimmed beard, and dark blue eyes. He is thin and in shape mostly due to innate athletic ability rather than hard work. Name: Eric Michael Vance Age: 23 Height: 5'11 Weight: 168 lbs. Occupation: College Senior (Computer Science major)/Comic store worker Personality: Eric is a humorous young man who enjoys everything nerdy, especially when it comes to Star Wars and DC Comics. He is a practicing Catholic, refuses to drink or smoke due to bad experiences with his parents as a young child, and has above average intelligence. He enjoys life and is planning to move out of Louisiana once he graduates from college. Skills: [list][*]Growing up in Louisiana Eric is a good shot with most guns, especially rifles and his trusty SMITH & WESSON’S M686 SSR Revolver that he keeps in his truck. [*]Eric is a good talker and problem solver. He is often seen as one of, if not the leader of his group of friends. [*]He is good with all things having to do with computers. Mostly that means his friends call him over when their's is broken. He is also pretty good at fixing things.[/list] Flaws:[list][*]Eric struggles with a slight anger problem. While he normally has it under control it still rarely gets the better of him. [*]He can be quite stubborn in certain situations. He normally believes his way is the best way, and while he is usually right this trait can lead to mistakes. [*]Sometimes he can be too trusting of people. He always looks for the good in people first. A few months ago this was a good trait, now it is dangerous.[/list] Bio: Eric was born in central Louisiana to local parents. As a young child his father was an alcoholic forcing him and his little brother, Adam, to listen to his parents arguments for years. Occasionally his father could be abusive but it never quite got to the point of being dangerous. He went to private Catholic school all of his life and got involved in the church at a pretty young age. Once his parents split he and his brother bounced between the two houses for several years. This didn't really affect him much as he was still fairly young and he simply got used to this way of living. It wasn't until junior high when his father stopped drinking and started to share more interest in his sons' lives. He began to share the love that he had with comic books as a child which in turn brought the interest to his son. Gradually Eric began to spend more and more time with his father and even got him to get somewhat involved in the church. He went through high school with above average grades only staying out of the top of his class because of a few C's here and there. Mostly because he was lazy. During this time he began work at a gas station where he became accustomed to being around 'normal' people. Perhaps because of his first job he decided that he wanted to do something better with his life. He decided that he wanted to move out of Louisiana and possibly join the military. After Eric graduated from high school he started attending the University of Louisiana at Lafayette where he met and fell in love with a girl named Samantha Hebert. (Pronounced A-Bear). They dated throughout his years in college and are still together now. When the war broke out he, like many other people, began to get scared. His plan was to join the Army as a computer specialist as soon as he got his degree but with the war he started to have second thoughts. Still undecided about whether to join the war effort he decided to get away for a few weeks, especially with talk of a military draft coming in a few months on the news. He and his friends decided to go to Samantha's native City of New Orleans for Mardi Gras. [/hider] [hider=Samantha Hebert][img]http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMjkyMTAyNTI0MF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMDkyNzU3NjE@._V1_.jpg[/img] Name: Samantha Anne Hebert Age: 22 Height: 5'7 Weight: 145 lbs. Occupation: College Student (Cinematography Major) Personality: Sam is a sweet girl who worries more about movies and television than anything else. She fancies herself a movie critic and is quick to point out any flaws in their making. She is also quite into nerd and pop culture. She is one of those girls who know's she is beautiful and uses that to her advantage. She is much more manipulative than anyone gives her credit for and is actually pretty cynical at times. Skills: [list] [*]Sam is pretty good at reading people and telling whether they are lying or not. She likes to watch people to see what they are like. [*]She's very good at batting her eyelashes. She can manipulate people when she needs to or get out of tough situations. [*]Sam took self defense classes as a girl is capable in close quarters fighting. While she obviously has trouble taking on large men she can handle herself quite well. [*]Sam is very intelligent and she knows it. She is a problem solver and picks up on things quickly while barely trying.[/list] Flaws: [list] [*]Sam can't swim and is afraid to learn. Her friends like to give her hell about this but she still refuses to get in water that she can't stand in. [*]She has a tendency to rely on her friends. She does not make a very good loner and normally needs at least one other person to keep her confidence. [*]Sam grew up in money and has a hard time living without it. She enjoys the finer things in life.[/list] Bio: Sam was born in New Orleans with a wealthy doctor as a mother and a wealthy lawyer who happened to be a city councilman as a father. Her parents always seemed too busy to deal with her and her younger brother, Kyle, was the obvious favorite. Despite this she grew up having whatever she wanted and the family maid always kept the room clean. When she started going to school she could have easily got involved in the party crowd. It seemed like everyone wanted to be her friend, or at least wanted to be friends with her wallet. Luckily though she was always more interested in movies and pop culture. She fell in with a "loser" group of nerds, mostly males who eventually fell in love with her. Though she had no feelings for any of them she could always been seen hanging around them. During high school she had a pretty good life. (Despite having two boyfriends that cheated on her after she told them she didn't want to have sex with them yet.) She made straight A's throughout and had a good group of friends. When she graduated she was the classes' valedictorian. She attended the University of Louisiana at Lafayette for college as it was one of the only schools in the state that would let her study movies. There she met Eric Vance and had fallen in love within a few weeks. They have been together since and she hopes it stays that way. When the war broke out she begged him to forget his plans to join the military. With the draft coming however he might be forced into service anyway. He told her that he wanted to do something fun to get away for the weekend. She decided that it was time for her friends to experience Mardi Gras in New Orleans. [/hider]