[hider=Azai Ninsusinak] [URL=http://www.zerochan.net/794656][IMG]http://s3.zerochan.net/Tetra.Takamine.240.794656.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Name: Azai Ninsusinak Age: 35 years old Gender: Male Species: Human Appearance: 190cm tall, weighs about 80kg and muscular build he tries to keep a top physical condition to keep up with his spell Epiphany, and he has long black hair with dark brown eyes. Azai prefers to wear suits for his everyday life, it gives him confidence like most people who wear suits, but that doesn’t mean that he won’t wear anything else occasionally. He even has a specific tailor for his suits and has them shipped if needed, it’s also fitted with enhanced fabric so it doesn’t get destroyed easily, and also it’s made in a way that it doesn’t hinder Azai in combat situation. Background: An orphan life seems like a stereotypical thing, but that doesn’t mean it is any less easy, but Azai didn’t live at an orphanage all his life which made it even harder for him. Azai was born in a wealthy family, had the most loving and caring parents that one would ask for. Maybe their only fault was that they were too nice, had too many charities to care for and tried to use their influence and fortune to stand up for those who can’t, but that sort of kindness do not go by unnoticed and usually by the wrong type of people. It was when Azai was 10 years old, they were sleeping sound at their mansion when a two assassins entered broke in, they professional and more they knew magic. Azai’s parents woke up to the sound of their footsteps, like they were expecting that someone would do this… A ruckus woke up Azai, and then it became clearer to him that it was fighting, he could also hear something else weird sounds that he could not tell what it was. Running like the wind towards the source of the sounds only to stop in awe but also feeling fear and wonder, what he saw changed his life forever. People shooting lighting from their hands, and monsters that were half men, his father was flying in the air and calling on whirlwinds from nothing and his mother was inside some kind of a circle beaming with purple light. Freezing in his place and unable to move a single muscle, his father noticed him and smiled to him as he pushed him away with a small whirlwind, he didn’t know what to do so ran as he figured that this was the wish of his father but he couldn’t ignore the guilt that he was feeling for running away and the painful truth that he was weak un such world. Moments later he couldn’t hear anything from the mansion anymore, the fighting stopped yet his father didn’t call him back home, having an absolute truth that he couldn’t face, his parents were no longer in this world and had to keep running in fear for his life… An hour later he arrived at a police station, and told them of what happened. The police of course didn’t believe what he said and thought that Azai was only traumatized by what happened and his mind created this illusion, yet the police had to go to the mansion and investigate what happened. The assassins disappeared only the bodies of Azai’s parents lying cold on the floor, the police didn’t know what happened and had to label it as an unsolved case. Azai was sent to an orphanage since he had no relative to live with. Determined to find out what happened that night Azai spent his coming eight years in the orphanage reading and training, that made him excel at school but that was irrelative to him. He never stayed at foster home more than a week, but the workers at the orphanage were a family to him and treated him as such, they did their best to raise him to a fine gentleman, till he was 18 years old and was able to claim his family’s fortune back. Living a wealthy life and the income of the family’s companies still pouring in Azai didn’t need to bother himself with work and had all his time wholly dedicated to uncovering magic which made him learn a lot of deal about magic in theory, and the rest of his time was spent on exercise and self defense training so he wouldn’t have to end up like his parents. But what he lacked was the application of magic, he didn’t know if what he read was true or not if there was no one with real magic to teach him. So he decided to search the deep net to make contact with anyone who knows how to practice what he wants, until one day he made contact with a group of Morphologists who agreed to teach him magic. For the next seven years he trained and studied about magic and specialized in enhancing magic under the influence of that group. Azai was slowly losing his main motive to study magic, he was very fascinated by what he was learning that finding his parents killers was a secondary thing for him, until one day he decided to leave the group and travel the world to discover himself and learn other types of magic in the world… He was now 34 years old and spent nine years in travels to all corners of the world Azai had a great deal knowledge of magic he learned the way of Arcanology, and learned some unique spells that he relies on. But what was more important are the things he witnessed, it was like his childhood being repeated over and over again right in front of him. Husbands, wives, and children were always lost, while he couldn’t just stand by idly and tried to do what he can to live to the example that his parents were, yet not everyone could be saved. Azai kept getting more and more distanced from other people, not wanting to have friends only to let them down when they needed him the most, yet sometimes he couldn’t keep that distance. He eventually made a friend with a Demonologist who was a part of a dangerous group that didn’t know their limits, they ended up summoning a powerful demon that they couldn’t control which lead to their deaths and the possession of Azai’s friend, it was a fate worse than death and the only thing Azai could was to put his soul to rest. A fierce battle broke between them which Azai emerged as the victor but at the cost of his friend’s life. A surge of rage and despair went through him for it happened again, that weakness still haunting him. But it also made him realize how desperate he was alone and not surrounded by people he could trust and rely on, so he went in search for such group of people and met with Seph Kane a name that echoed in the magical world, Azai was actually approached by him telling him that he knew his parents and their work, because he wanted to recruit them at one point but they refused feeling that they could help more people in their way. It was such an opportunity that he couldn’t miss, so he moved to Belfast and started working and learning there for year and was also able to learn more about his parents Current Life: If not on a case Azai spend most of his time on reading and training, he doesn’t like to sit idly trying to make the best of his time. But he also tries to relax and have fun from time to time, indulging himself by picking new suits or going out and enjoying the city and its bars. He tries to maintain an average amount of socializing in the office, just not getting to the point of over attaching to his co workers because of his fear of reliving his nightmare of loosing friends again. But that doesn’t mean he won’t be nice and help them whenever they need it, after all he was raised as a gentleman and was taught proper manners. Working at the office offered him to meet with people far stronger and talented with him, so he tries to make the best of it and learn what he can from whoever he can, and that compelled him to have great respect and admiration towards some of his co-workers. Yet there were some of the people he worked with that had little regard to collateral damage, it made him angry and unable to have respect towards them. No organization is completely good nothing in the world is anyway, but he tolerates it for the greater good… Personality: Confliction is one of the traits Azai posses, confliction about moral choices. Azai is generally a good guy, caring and responsible but that led him many times to situation that made him choose between two evils, a lesson that he learnt the hard way. This also meant that he carried guilt and regret for the rest of his life, yet that gave him the motive to grow stronger and push himself over and over again, to be able to create his own choices rather than be forced by one… Being someone who reads a lot doesn’t make someone smart but surely makes one use his mind a lot, Azai is a rational person tends to rely on his mind and leave his emotions and guts to situations that demands it, because decisions based on emotions aren’t fair ones in Azai’s opinion. When he rationalizes something, he does it based on good morals. And it also made his mind organized, he can’t start his day without having some sort of plan for this day and he gets upset when things don’t go as planned but tries to cope with it so his day doesn’t completely get ruined, or that would be a nightmare for him. Because of his past misfortunes he locked himself in a solitary shell buried under work, training and reading. Keeping his troubles and life away from others and placing his trust only in himself. Keeping all those emotions bottled up will eventually lead him to explode and according to many people, that doesn’t end well usually. Azai knows that too, so from time to time he let some of it out either by relaxing or having fun with someone. Often delusions and dreams are methods that his brain follow to ease his loneliness, yet that eventually he will be a dangerous to himself. No one knows even Azai when or how, he will be let out of his shell, but surely that would be a good breakthrough in his life. Even with all the boundaries he set, deep within he still wants to have a friend that he could share everything with. In general Azai is a good guy, maybe not completely sane. He was raised as a gentleman so he acts like one, with a dash of fake pride to give a certain confidence vibe about him, but that soon disappear as he get to know someone better and instead shows a funny side of him, the one that tries to support people and keep them optimistic. He always keeps the focus of a conversation away from him, and keeps it centered about other people to avoid getting over attached to people… Schools of Study: Arcanology and Morphology, Specialization: Azai is specialized in the powers of decay and death, and the enhancement of the mind and body, he can also do minor appearance alteration but only to himself, and he’s familiar with hexes that he can use in the form of drawings and spell casting but only when he’s not in combat because of the preparation they need. Spells: Monochrome is a spell that suppresses everything close to the user, restraining and draining the vitality of living things, accompanied by the withering of all color, earning the power its name. If left rampant, the power will twist and ravage everything in the area of effect which is 7meters. The power acts in three stages that Azai can switch in between at will, but he can’t use them all at the same time, except of White Wall. The first one is can drain the stamina of an opponent, the second drain the mana of an opponent and the third drains the life force of an enemy Monochromatic Aura: Suppresses the life-force and power of all things in the user's vicinity. The monochromatic aura can cut the enemy’s power by half, kill very weak enemies, and even cause substantial damage to the surrounding environment. But abide by the three stages of the spell Monochromatic Wall: Counters all offensive forces, shielding the user from enemy attacks. Also abides by the three stages of the spell White Wall: Azai creates a white wall around himself which emits blinding light and anything inside the wall gets severely damaged by all three stages and may also cease to exist and has a wider radius of 10 meters. It is supposed to be most powerful form of the spell: Monochrome. But Azai uses much of his mana and cannot use Monochrome again for a while Epiphany: It grants Azai mind and sense enhancement, but it's main purpose is to tremendously accurate vision and the ability to read and predict practically any move his opponent could make as well as the minute details and movements of his general surroundings. The spell only weakness is that when there is a physical obstacle blocking its path, it is unable to provide Azai with the predictions it normally would. Additionally, while the spell is capable of reading any situation, the spell is limited by the user’s body limit, so if he is unfit physically he will not be able to keep up with the projected courses of action that his spell proposes to him. Supernatural Condition: Azai is able to channel his magic to his body raising his strength, speed and endurance to a supernatural length enough to lift a car, run faster than an average car and withstand a hit from a sniper rifle. The more he tries to enhance himself the more mana it takes to sustain. While using Monochrome it drains even more mana, but while using Epiphany he can only enhance himself to be stronger than humans. Abilities: quick reading skill that he developed over the years by reading huge amount of books, he’s also excellent with analyzing situations quickly both in and outside combat, combined with years of practicing martial art makes him a formidable opponent in physical combat. In his huge library he learnt some great deal about computers so he gained the knowledge of programming and hacking. And knows his guns well, he is a good shooter nut not a master Equipment: His suits one and foremost, its custom fitted with many hidden pockets and it is also designed in a way that doesn’t hinder him in battle and it’s made of enhanced fabric so it doesn’t get destroyed easily, also giving him a minor resistance to heat and fire. He has a small leather gauntlet that fits under his suit, its purpose is to allow Azai the casting of Monochrome at will without speaking it giving him greater casting speed, but White Wall needs to be prepared before casting. Of course Azai looses that advantage if it’s destroyed or lost, yet it’s not easy to be destroyed. He carries small scrolls with him, hidden in his suit to use when casting hexes He carries two magical black Desert Eagles concealed inside his suit that are powerful enough to break through average magic shields, along with extra four clips, all easy to access giving him faster draw and reload speed. (The desert eagle has 7 shots per clip) Azai uses daggers as his melee weapons; he has two that he uses in close combat and mini knives that he uses as throwing knives he carries about ten of these on him. Other: (I feel these are rather thorough, but sometimes you just need a little bit extra that doesn’t fit right somewhere else.) [/hider]