Name:The Red Hand Colors:Red, black, and blue Objective:The Red Hand value power above all. They seek it in it's many forms, no matter what stands in their way. Whether it means stomping a trainer for their Pokemon, if not killing it in the process. Joining competitions to show off how strong their Pokemon are, or joining others for knowledge of how to get better. Every member only respects power and aren't afraid of taking it if they have to. Capability:They are considered dangerous even among themselves. Only so long a group this large can remain split on their issues, slowly causing a tear among everyone involved. Overconfident and reckless in their choices, they often resort to brute force both in and out of the battle. They will often overlook weak trainers preferring to prey on those they deem worthy of their strength. In their eyes, the trainer should be as capable as their Pokemon, causing both to be fair game in a fight. Special: Most of the lower grunt's Pokemon are known for having moves that do damage now, no matter the consequences. Recoil, fainting, confusion, unable to move, death, who cares what happens to their Pokemon if it means a win? It's for these reasons they continue to have a bad reputation. These are the stories that everyone has heard of, which isn't completely true. There are some members trying to prove they can help others, that strength is the power to help the weak. Others have taken to contributing towards science, seeking power through knowledge. Some of the nicest people also are in the group, willing to help others or just looking for a good fight. You might even hear The Red Hand contributing to and leading research on various subjects. So despite what you hear, you should keep this in mind. Not everyone in The Red Hand are bad people, the bad rep comes from a small percentage of the group. [hider=The Leader] Leader of The Red Hand Height: 6'3" Weight: 190 lbs. Age: 32 Sex: Male [hider=Physical appearance][img][/img] As the picture says, but a more modern wardrobe and shoes.[/hider] Personality: The Leader is a man of short patience who wears his emotions on his sleeve. He doesn't care about many things if it doesn't further his goal. Biography: The Leader isn't shy when it comes to his history. If you asked him a question, he would answer it truthfully. From a small age, he always looked for the strongest thing around, seeking to add it to his team. He wasn't interested in completing his pokedex, instead preferring to grab anything that rose above the others. Over his time of travels and badge collecting, he amassed a collection of tough pokemon. Not satisfied, he kept pushing himself to look harder for something bigger. This led him to gazing onward to the legendaries, not all of them. Only the cream of the crop. Favored Type: Rock Favored Pokemon: Anything that has a lot of power Why he started The Red Hand: One man can only do so much, and his personality drew other like minded people in. The arguments of what is power caused a split in the hierarchy. Despite this, he still keeps everyone united in their goal. Power, no matter how it can be achieved. As long as they remember who is in charge and the goal, all are welcome to join his group. He is the leader because he keeps everyone together and not fighting among each other, even if it means pointing the hate towards someone else. Pokemon: ??????[/hider] [hider=The Bloody Hand] Sub faction of The Red Hand Height:5'4" Weight:155lbs. Age:29 Physical Appearance: [hider][img][/img][/hider] Personality: The Bloody Hand is as vile as they come. If there was a baby, he would try to not only take it's candy, but throw the thing off a bridge while he's at it. He has a nasty temper and is not afraid to get his hands dirty if needed. His lack of fear of consequences has given him a sense of aura radiating fear and despair. Biography: The Bloody Hand grew up a poor kid in a bad neighborhood. Surrounded by bright eyed trainers and shinier Pokemon, he wanted more in life. He tried to be a trainer, but quickly realized it was not cutting it using trash like the starters and endless Pidgeys and Rattatas. So he found a new calling getting better Pokemon straight from the best source, other trainers. It started small, some useless Pokemon a trainer "misplaced" here and there. Table scraps, useless, weak, inferior Pokemon. A burning desire grew in him, how could trainers be satisfied with these things? He wanted the better things in life and he wanted them now. A few years went by of this and he had a growing reputation of a thief trying to pilfer others pokemon. Naturally, he became discerning, releasing the useless ones on the spot to run off. Trash like this should go cower in the wilderness, he was doing those trainers a favor. Eventually, he grew tired of small time steals. He had a craving for power and he had a taste, it was too late to go back. Favorite Type:Poison Favorite Pokemon: Weezing Why he joined The Red Hand: Power was promised if he was loyal and boy was The Leader right. The Bloody Hand is the reason why The Red Hand have the nasty reputation and he wouldn't have it any other way. He runs the information side, keeping eyes and ears alert for even the faintest whispers of more power for the group. Crime has never been easier for him since the other sides insist The Red Hand aren't all bad. This odd split has worked in his favor quite well, so he encourages this already spreading tear. Consequences are for someone elses future, right? Pokemon: ?????? [/hider]