Many heroes lost their lives on the fatal day when the Watchtower lost power and fell to Earth. Founding members Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, and the Flash were all killed when the Watchtower fell. Several additional members (The Ray, Mr. Miracle , etc) were also thought to be dead. This left Earth's defenses almost crippled, with only a few heroes standing strong to fight the good fight. While Batman is more of a lone wolf, he is also part of the JLU. The team is still strong and capable but with the dwindling numbers it became increasingly hard to fight crime. The future Batman, Terry McGinnis, was offered a position by Superman, but he decided he wasn't ready just yet. Eventually, he did join the team. CURRENT ROSTER: *Superman - An Elder Superman. *Warhawk - Who is the son of Shayera Al-Hol and Green Lantern John Stewart. *Aquagirl - Who is the daughter of Aquaman and Mera. Kai-Ro (Green Lantern) - A Green Lantern in the future GLC. *Big Barda - An older version of Big Barda, who remains still the same. Micron - A Member who became injured, which prompted Terry to join. *Terry McGinnis (Batman Beyond) *Static - The former Milestone character [much older, early to mid 40's], who used to live in Dakota in the past. Danica Williams (The Flash) - A young girl who with the help of her predecessor and speed force, becomes The Flash in the Beyond Universe of the DCU. *Mr. Miracle - An older version of Scott Free, who remains still the same and joins his wife and Justice League after the events in of Konstriction: Hell on Earth & The Mortal Coil. *Starfire - An older version, who still remains the same. *Martian Manhunter - An older version wearing a cloak, who still remains the same. But shortly before the game begins, the League has been compromised by Brainiac 3.7. Superman, Batman, Barda, Aquagirl, Static, and Warhawk, Starfire, Martian Manhunter, and Mr. Miracle, as well as several dozen civilians in Metropolis have been infected with a techno virus. ----------------------------------------- Rules: 1.) No back-to-back posting. [b][size=4]2.) PAY ATTENTION TO DETAIL AND SET-UPS!!![/size][/b] 3.) [B][U]Make sense[/U][/B]. If we can't make heads or tails of your posts they're likely to get skipped over. 4.) Get permission before using another player's character in your posts if it involves changing the scene or making actions. Everybody will take beatings in this game in battle however, so don't get pissed if you get punched or blasted into a wall by the bad guys! 5.) Problems with the game or players should be sent directly to me through PM's. I don't want a bunch of bickering in the OOC. 6.) Abandoned characters will be used as NPC's or killed off within the context of the story. 7.) “I was waiting for [insert player/character] to make a move” is not an excuse to not post. 8.) [B][U]My word is law.[/U][/B] 9.) In the event that I'm offline for any period of time, the deputy GM (not yet selected) will take control and [b][u]HIS/HER[/u][b] word will then be law. ------------------------- Two days had gone by since the new Brainiac made himself known in Metropolis. The year was 2040, the Justice League Watchtower on the northeast end of the city. The majority of the League was taken over by the alien thinking machine, Superman and the others flew around the city with Brainiac's tech implanted in their heads controlling their actions and powered by the energies of Green Lantern Kai Ro's ring. The controlled League gathered electronic components of various shapes and sizes for the newest model of Brainiac as dozens of civilians stood guard outside of the Watchtower. The newest Flash, a ringless Kai Ro, and the size altering Micron were the only Leaguers left. "We have to initiate the Unlimited Protocol..." Kai Ro said to both Micron and the Flash. "Where was the signal located, under the old Daily Planet building, right?" Micron asked. Danica Williams didn't know what was going on. She had only been a member of the JL for a few weeks and hadn't been briefed on the Unlimited Protocol. For a few moments she remained silent, then for a few moments she did a grounds sweep as the League was in an underground location. In a few seconds she returned, nothing new to report. "What's the Unlimited Protocol?" she asked the two founders. "The Unlimited Protocol is a signal designed to contact nearby metahumans within a five hundred mile radius of the signal. Designed to seek out former metahuman heroes and reformed criminals as well as their children, the Protocol was created after the last attack of the Starros." Kai Ro began explaining. "If not for Batman helping the League and later joining, and Static taking down a mothership over NYC... the League would have been defeated. Now that we need backup to take back Metropolis and the Watchtower, this is our only option." Micron continued, "How fast can you get to the old Daily Planet building, Danica?" he asked after pausing for a moment. Hours later.... Night was falling in Metropolis. The underground HQ of the League was just outside of the city limits and as far away from the Watchtower as it needed to be keeping the distance between the Brainiac'ed League and civilians. A few blocks away from the Watchtower the civilians didn't seem as affected as the ones in the general area. The latest avatar of the Red and current Animal Man heir simply called "Animal" used the speed of a cheetah to dash by the people of Metropolis. The Flash met up with the young hero near an abandoned subway station above ground. "Are you the animal guy?" Danica asked. "I'm the animal guy..." he repeated smiling and following her down to the entrance of the hidden HQ. A few heroes had already gathered. "What have I got myself into?" Kade thought. ~KL~