Well in any case, it was time to start preparing.  Walking out of the kitchen with a cup of rum raisin and plopping back into his seat, the Anonymous Millennial Upstart Pretender looked back at the multitude of screens and sighed. Any moment now, he would be receiving a call from the warehouse, where he would be attending the meeting of Flame Haze - in an unconventional method, at least. [Center]XXXXX[/Center] Somewhere in the warehouse, placed by members of the Boston Outlaw were two laptops: One really, really cheap looking one and another that was of a much higher quality. They were there, shut, closed, each with a sign. The cheap looking laptop had a sign which read "Turn me on!". In hindsight, that was probably not the best wording that the Anonymous Millennial Upstart Pretender could have chosen to use. Hindsight is, after all, 20/20. The other laptop had a sign which simply read "Turn me on in case you accidentally blow up the first one." Hindsight is definitely 20/20. And so those two pieces of electronics waited for the Flame Haze to discover them and hopefully turn them on without making them explode. Who knew how tech literate - or illiterate - they could be? [Center]XXXXX[/Center] [i]Aaaaaaaany moment now...[/i]