Tank had been riding around town most of the day after getting food. It had tasted more like Italian than Greek anyway, though still not bad. New chef, if he remembered correctly. He recalled hearing the old chef had been found after dragging the bay. It's what happens. The wind whipping around him, he had his radio on and volume up, though he only got a clear listen to the [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nchw1uBy5Yc]music[/url] as he skidded to a stop before the blockade. "[color=009966]Oh yeah...[/color]" he breathed, noticing the onlookers, reporters, and other cockroaches. Tank shrugged, and realized he had no place to park his bike. He'd need to find one of the ground patios owned by someone else. Tank would have to go ask, but he wasn't about to leave his bike here for the masses. "[color=009966]Better get to work.[/color]" he said to himself. The vagabond revved the engine once, and then again, and then a third time. The onlookers turned back around one by one, until he had their full attention. He grinned, and revved the bike up one last time, the wheel scraping along the concrete, before shooting toward the crowd. A woman screamed, and people leaped out of the way. Deftly adjusting his center of gravity with his hips, he sent the bike's front wheel up on the air, letting the bottom hit a curb, giving it that small bit of extra air to clear the barricades. He hit the ground within the party, skidding audibly again, stopping right before he wrecked into one of the tables. With a confident agility, he slipped off his bike, and wheeled it around the table area. Toothpick in his mouth, a casual air to himself, and [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxwhgim-A4A]another[/url] song popping up on his bike's radio, he looked around for anyone that he recognized who lived on one of the sub level patios. He stopped right before Alicia and Caesar. Tank turned the radio down, still making it audible (he liked the song). He tongued his toothpick, the sun giving his brown hair and eyes a bronze, almost golden look. "[color=009966]Pardon the disturbance, I was wondering if there was anyplace for me to put my bike for the party.[/color]" [@Sigil][@Charnobylisk][@Lady Amalthea]