[center][h2][color=ed1c24]Redorchard[/color][/h2][/center] (Consider yourself present for all events that are occurring. Commenting on events other than your own is completely optional, but feel free to collaborate and interact.) [@Rune_Alchemist] You set out onto the dirt road with your companions, ignoring the trainers and their efforts for the moment. Your mind was set on expanding your team, and only a rare Pokémon would do. The Xatu that were mentioned would be an excellent, exotic addition to your roster. You noted plenty of Rattata and Caterpie being battled, most not standing a chance against a trainer’s Pokémon. Red beams from empty Poké Balls buzzed constantly, and cheers from the younger kids were a constant. You took steps forward, and these sounds became quieter, less noticeable, more so background noise to your goals. As you advanced farther from your home, you noted there were fewer trainers about. Most that you saw were travelling in groups, and of all age groups, though most were just kids. They came from all over Huji to become trainers, strapped backs filled with necessities and trinkets from all over the region. Traffic into the town had dwindled to the occasional passerby, as the sun began to fade from the apex of the bright blue sky. Your eyes were sharp, and Sneasel’s were sharper. Deep into your travels on the route, where the road became less established and the trees grew closer together, your eye was caught. Three marks on a tree, parallel to each other. You knew there were other Pokémon that could’ve made this etching, but this might be your best chance at the moment. Following your Sneasel and gut instinct, you discovered a disorganized but readable trail through the tree trunks. A scratch here, a mark there, you were being led in a certain direction where woods grew thicker and flowers bloomed incessantly. The dirt road had been forgotten here. Surely, this was wild. In viridian orchard you stumbled forward into a line of trees. And past them, an open glade. Tufts of dandelion and orchid bloomed from random spots. Open sky revealed cotton clouds and beams of the afternoon sun, gleaming as heaven onto the enlightened area. And yet there were no Xatu. You were sure you’d followed the trail correctly, so what was the explanation? From the opposite side of the field, a younger trainer sprinted into action. He was chasing a Wurmple, the rambunctious specimen just evading his hands. There was a Poké Ball attached to the boy’s belt, but he didn’t seem keen on using it anytime soon. Between the trees on the opposite side of the glade, you could see the dirt path of Route 1 laying triumphantly. You'd gone in a giant circle. The words of Ficus’ assistant replayed in your head: [color=9e0b0f]“Here’s the catch: Xatu have too strong of foresight to be caught by another trainer. They can predict where a trainer will be standing hours before. So they have to come to you. But with all of these people on the route, there’s no way they’ll be drawn out.”[/color] And a question kept pestering you. Was the trail a hint, or a red herring? Was it some other species of Pokémon? And what kind of Pokémon leaves a trail anyway? [@Lasrever] You set out onto the dirt road with your companions, ignoring the trainers and their efforts for the moment. Your mind was set on expanding your team, or at least gaining some minor battle experience by battling a wild Pokémon. And from the looks of it, there were plenty to go around. You noted plenty of Rattata and Caterpie being battled, most not standing a chance against a trainer’s Pokémon. Red beams from empty Poké Balls buzzed constantly, and cheers from the younger kids were a constant. You took steps forward, and these sounds became quieter, less noticeable, more so background noise to your goals. As you advanced farther from your home, you noted there were fewer trainers about. Most that you saw were travelling in groups, and of all age groups, though most were just kids. They came from all over Huji to become trainers, strapped backs filled with necessities and trinkets from all over the region. Traffic into the town had dwindled to the occasional passerby, as the sun began to fade from the apex of the bright blue sky. Upon a curve in the dirt road, mixed with stone, tall grass lined the edges of your path. Even the most novice of trainers were aware that tall grass carried an abundance of Pokémon. You found that this was your best chance to catch a Pokémon on the route, where trainers weren’t too common and plantlife thrived. Before you could enter the tall grass, though, you noticed a rustling at the edge of the blades. A small bird hopped from the maze of grass, looking directly downward at the dirt road. [color=fff79a]“Pidg. Pidgey!”[/color] The Pidgey was a bit smaller than normal Pidgey, but it made up for it in attitude. It began to stomp its talons and flap its wings to create a miniature dust storm in front of it. Small insects and critters began to creep from the ground, skittering from their holes and dashing for the sides of the road. The Pidgey was quick to hop after them, capturing the delicious morsels in its beak. Currently, the Pidgey’s back was to you, and wasn’t made aware of your approach.