Tsleeixth looked to the sky as the winds tempo began to increase at an alarmingly rapid pace. He breathed a sigh of relief when two of the boats managed to go in without accident, his relief only increasing when one managed to return to it’s mother ship, however his relief soon turned to alarm and into horror in the span of a few moments when it became evident that the second of the EEC boats was barely afloat. A quick look at the boat revealed the reason behind the precarious situation of the boat to the Argonian spellsword; the boat was manned by 5 heavy individuals and -as if to compound the problem further- was carrying a stack of containers inside of it and the precarious situation of the dinghy seemed to only worsen when the leader of the rowers, a Breton who was decked in metal plates, began shouting obscenities at them. As such it was no surprise to Tsleeixth when the boat capsized when a large gust of wind shook the boats, it’s cargo and the foolish decision of the Breton to wear heavy armor having sealed it’s fate. But when Tsleeixth noticed that four of the people in the boat had managed to cling to various floating objects, his worries easing a little but there was still the matter of the breton who was quickly -and predictably- drowning due to his heavy armor, his screams and pleas for help easily carrying over to the Argonian . Yet there wasn’t anything that he could do in the current situation to help the man and, as such, Tsleeixth could do nothing but look at the breton was rescued by Ariane and Solveig, with the former casting a spell on the man while the latter used the climbing kit to anchor the breton to their boat so that he could be carried to the cave that they were heading towards. First went the dinghy that was carrying the breton, with their own arriving a short time later. Tsleeixth quickly jumped out of the boat, his feelings of unease and restlessness that had begun once he had sighted the College now calming down after finally setting foot in the place “I wish it wasn’t under such circumstances that I returned.” He whispered quietly to himself, running one of his hands over the surface of the cave’s walls. Shaking his head he mentally chided himself, there would be time for regrets and melancholy later but now his focus had to be on the troubles at hand such as rescuing the surviving mages and -more immediately- how to help the breton who had fallen into the Sea of Ghosts and, as a result, was now freezing. Luckily, both Do’karth and Almad, the newcomer to the company, were there to help the freezing man. In the end, it was Almad who helped the breton from the EEC to avoid hypothermia. He looked as the redguard produced a rectangular box that was too big to be held in one hand and a strange wooden vial with three marks on it. He looked with no small amount of fascination as the process unfolded as Almad pressed the vial to the breton’s lip after uncorking it, Tsleeixth having noticed the small amount of magicka that the redguard directed into the tiny wooden bottle. The rest of the process proceeded as normal in such a case as a man that was in danger of falling prey to hypothermia. That is to say, changing the soaked clothes for dry ones but there was something about what the Redguard healer said to the breton that made Tsleeixth feel slightly uncomfortable, perhaps the overtly harsh words of Almad, but he quickly shoved those thoughts to the back of his mind. WIth the breton now safe from freezing, the group turned to look at the matter of getting into the College itself from the cave in which they were. After a while, it turned out that the only way to keep advancing was by climbing a steep wall of ice. Although his face wouldn’t show it, Argonian’s face making expressing their feelings on them, Tsleeixth was rather annoyed by Farid’s words towards Sagax. He was about to volunteer himself for going first, but Do’Karth beat him to it. He looked as the Khajiit climbed the wall of ice, his lips curling upwards when the Suthay-Raht shouted that he had made it to the top safely. He was quickly followed by Roze and then by Sagax himself “Well, guess it’s my turn to go up.” He said as he picked the climbing kit. He tried to imitate how Roze and Sagax made their way up as they climbed the ice wall, although his movements certainly weren’t nearly as precise or as well executed -in fact, some people would probably find the way he climbed ridiculous- as those that they had made in their climb but he nonetheless made his way to where the door was. “Any luck so far with the door?” He asked curiously after he had sent the climbing kit down.