Gobskag's beady eyes were fixed on the amulet, reflecting its unhealthy luminance like dirty red marbles. "[i]Almost[/i] anyfing?" he murmured, rubbing his skinny hands together and scheming on basic reflex, "Dat's twice as much as I was expectin', [i]heenh[/i]... Well, poor, simple Gobskag is a gob of 'umble means, not a mighty boss or a greedy stunty, and will only ask fer one little fing as 'is reward. We can sort out da details an' such afterward, [i]nehh..?[/i] Sure, sure, righto den, anyfing you say, you're da boss, [i]hehh[/i]... I's sure missus whatserface will lissen ta reason, once we explains areselves and appeals ta her kindly nature, [i]hneh heheh[/i]..." He swung his head shiftily between Sketti and de Trantio, grasping his staff in both hands and leaning on it heavily, "After all, dere's only one of 'er, and loads of us, [i]nehh?...[/i]" The goblin trailed off as his eyes darted from one end of the room to the other. "Ehh... Din't we 'ave more gits a minnit ago?"