[center][h3]Vigrid[/h3] [@Lmpkio][@kapuchu][@Lazo][@I-Am-X][/center] The Champion stood back as the Allegiance charged Lily and Fenn with a small swarm of Heirarchy angels. It seems the Champion was intent on stepping in depending on the way the two demons would deal with the wild monster-like Heirarchy angels. While that was happening, Blair and the angel Kushiel were locked in combat, meaning it was up to Fenn and Lily to take out these small swarms of angels. The goal was the Champion himself, but he was fast, and careful too, it seems he too knew his worth in this fight. Would he fall, the rest would topple as well as a ripple effect, and their hold on Vigrid compromised. [hr] [center][h3]Mitis Forest[/h3] [@Zarkun][@Zorogami][@Lmpkio][@rivaan][/center] [color=green]"It appears they do not wish to let us leave"[/color], she began. Both her's and Gideon's demons under their command had begun fighting already, but considering their opponents they would be hard pressed to win on their own. They were impressive combatants, one after the other one today, it was intriguing to watch, never had Gorgon seen such power, and she revelled in it. She knew not why, but as a demon she followed her instincts. She stepped forward and picked her blade up from the ground, the snakes that surrounded it disappeared, signifying that they were not physical snakes, but manifestation of her power. She held it to her side as she began to stride slowly towards the group, her giant snakes covering her flanks, also motioning to Gideon to join her. It appears she intends to fight. [color=green]"I suppose I can spare some time to entertain your fervour"[/color], she began. It seems she was intent on leaving still, but she also wished to test her might. [color=green]"I am Gorgon, Queen of this forest, you are all my first guests in many years. I expect this to be a memorable encounter"[/color], she stopped moving towards the group, her pose exuded elegance, but also an untouchable air about it. It was without doubt she was probably a fast fighter. Anyone who steps up against her will need to be careful. [hr] [center][h3]Ancient Library[/h3] [@EnterTheHero][@Kafka Komedy][@Lugubrious][@liferusher][@ProPro][/center] [color=a187be]"Well, I never expected that kind of hostility from a poorly made dolly"[/color], he began, referring to Mary's suggestion to destroy him where he stood, not kill, but destroy. It was probably a wise decision, probably. Still, he wasn't done talking, he turned to the group after politely sliding the book that was in his hand away. Based on the cover it didn't seem at all relevant to the seals, it was likely he already found what he needed. [color=a187be]"But miss milky-blood here is right, well... Half right. The 'Sevrin' you know is still here, just... Asleep, so to speak",[/color] that answered Akoni's question, but how long ago did this demon possess and take over the real Sevrin? [color=a187be]"As for what betraying the organization could be worth well... Let's just say it's the other way around. You guys had burned up your worth to me as soon as I destroyed that seal. Was all I needed to start really going out. God pretending to be nice and playing the good boy pissed me off a whole damn lot, a suffocating necessity, little Sevrin in here helped out a bit though... Oh did I mention it yet? He's a nice guy, pretty cooperative... Or weak. I could barely tell honestly",[/color] he was smirking under the shadow of his hat. Despite the weapons and battle stances presented against him right now, he had this confidence, this strange unsettling confidence.